Frage von thor^:
and I once again stand on the hose.
I have 2 slideshows created and wants to be happy with the Turkish flag as a key mix.
So the white is to be a show and the red the other.
Somehow I had since Alphakey in the head, but it does not come next, or do what I'm probably wrong.
Had it synonymous times with 2 squence and Color-Key probiert, which basically works but looks modest, especially since he then synonymous Color from the slideshow mitkeyed.
Help me please on the jumps as I must go, or where I can possibly read.
^ Thor
Antwort von Jörg:

the solution is turn key mask of the track.
clips on track 1 +2, flag 3, Effect on track 2 set, video screen 3 and Lumamatte.
That's all.
Antwort von thor^:

Jooooh, super
Thank :))))))))
Although ask me why I'm came alpha mask, but well, no preference, I thank you of all my heart (for film Schwieger Papa, s.WE will be ready:))
Grateful Thor