Frage von Trolleule:
Hi friends,
I'm working with AE since 3 weeks and it's working. Now as the first questions that you do not find in the manual. I list just to do not want to digress:
-Are there any settings I should do in AE, which are simply a must etc.
-I got me this little tut read: tendiere ich zu Xvid, wäre es in dem Sinne Xvid besonders einzustellen ich hab bisher keine Konfiguration vorgenommen
-wenn ich das in AE erstellte Material, eine Animation, für Premiere Pro weiterverwenden möchte, sollte ich dafür die AE Projektdatei verwenden oder die Animation als bspw. avi File exportieren/rendern
-ich glaub die frage ist nicht of dieser welt: was ist wenn mir die grafik im Kompositionsfenster of AE ungenügend erscheint,
can improve (that is the core question ^ ^), I am amazed sometimes how beautiful some rules / objekte coruscate etc. and the first that I have to search is usually a program of which I think it indexed better quality: P
I know here can I get professional help, so my first work set to the wisdom of the community to listen.
Danke erstmal dear friends
Antwort von Jake the rake:
(...) Therefore my first work set to the wisdom of the community to listen.
The worst thing you can do;) Only through a lot of work and trial & error you will be better!
Even the community Slashcam you can not take.
For 1: If you have a multi core system did you make sure that "Multiprocessor Support" (or similar) Everything else is hard to tell if the system does not know.
On 2 I can say nothing. I had credible never seen a Xvid codec on my system ...
For 3rd: To little to look great of course, the above-mentioned experience ... ;).
It is important that all objects of a priori quality. So if possible use uncompressed format.
Why is now not just when you really want to work in optics, however, is difficult to say:) If you have something specific or you will be a concrete example one can take you maybe a little more help ...
Oh (Edit): Ae and circulate Pp s.liebsten on ADL, so nix render ...
Antwort von Trolleule:
hey thanks for the information.
You're right, it would be useful if I make the system information:
Windows Xp Sp3
2GB DDR1 400
GeForce 7900 GT (256MB, 256-bit, 750MHz memory clock, 520Mhz GPU clock, GDDR3)
Dual Core AMD x2 4200 +
185GB free disk space
Latest version of DirectX and nVidia drivers synonymous.
Perhaps it is now more about the AE settings, what to say. Now the question would be regarding the Xvid settings still open and I explain a little example in terms of graphics performance:
I will already aback when I see the writing ^ ^
While the CS-Movie Awoken Eyes professionally looks alone just the writing on the other hand, looks shabby from mine: (
If yes can you render the engine through a better exchange, etc.
And last ADL?
Tell me nothing, but I probably will use the project files?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Jake the rake:
ADL Adobe Dynamic Link (Hope you have bought the creative suite)
Professionally and shabby?
What to me which I now imagine?
Antwort von Spreeni:
And last ADL?
Tell me nothing, but I probably will use the project files?
ADL: Adobe Dynamic Link. Is a kind of wrapper, with whose help AfterFX projects in Premiere paste, without having to be pre-rendered. So a direct connection between the two programs. Will only be installed on your system when you CS CS Production Premium or Master Suite uses.
Antwort von Trolleule:
1. Can not I just AE Project in Adobe Premiere Pro ^ ^ is the same?
Edit 20:07: Yeah, I read the description, know about it, I use Master Edition, but I can not remember ever to have seen how I can because after the install?
2. What is the effect of the aspect ratio did mom. Square pixels
3. What project settings should I use in my standard (color, style anzeige) under File> Project Settings
4. And yet the Xvid settings if necessary: P
Antwort von jazzy_d:
AE-File / Project import into PP.
Forget xvid. This is a distribution format (rather from the bottom drawer).
DDR1 400? Non grad of the yellow egg.
AMD? Hmm oh well.
Pixel aspect ratio is the aspect ratio of pixels in the video. Note: PC monitors and HDTVs have square pixels. If the video material has quadratic and what else is set, the picture warped or stretched, or vice versa. Keyword anamorph.
Project settings just to try and stop what logically about the video - and audio material and to the Project fits.
Coruscate you stop 'doing'. and and and are always good starting points. There are still tons of more.
Antwort von Trolleule:
wow da haste ja same ship made clear, many thanks
Due to the project settings, I am not so sure:
-What's my style display a time code base, frame, feet + frames and was in NTSC drop frame or non drop frame?
and in the color depth of the channel 8, 16, 32-bit?
When put what I?
With gamma 1.0 color fade, etc.?
So I hold together again:
I need not Adobe Dynamic Link because I AE Project File in PP can import!
Then I need a decent codec with optimal settings to hire a tut about this in advance I have the latest version of Divx, but synonymous with no configuration.
I use with the compositions Resolution480 x 360, 25fps, square pixels, video is only PC-based use, the audio track I do not use.
Then the above project settings, I still need.
Ok that would be everything. Would be nice if this were to be clarified;) dear friends
Antwort von Jake the rake:
Dynamic link has the advantage that you can save resources because Ae Pp and the rendering engine shared. Dynamic Link should not go, I would quickly call for Adobe, you have not much money spent for your suite.
Project Settings: Does it ever make you want s.was. You should log times with the basics to deal! If you understand why this format is, your question is no longer.
Antwort von Trolleule:
Jau Thanks I will read through times.
Now the question would be to clarify what codec should I use and maybe even how I configure this;)
Antwort von jazzy_d:
What codec to use when you test?
To view the project in AE-PP to open, you need to get a "codec". Your source material has a codec. Stay as long as it goes. Only s.Schluss when exporting from PP needs to think about, for what the film is. Internet, PC, DVD player, only your PC, every PC and Mac, etc.
Antwort von Trolleule:
I know ^ ^.
But I need for the final video a codec, I thought Xvid and Divx are strongest and best quality but jazzy_d says:
Forget xvid. This is a distribution format (rather from the bottom drawer).
It would not have been bad if he had called an alternative ^ ^
As an export format floats me, "AVI for Windows" in front!