Frage von saforge:
Hello live lexicon,
I just try to describe. In Cinema 4D, a long-drawn-out space is created (Hall). In the middle of the room there is a small increase. A camera slowly moves in closer s.diese.
These 3D data were exported as a project file and imported into After Effects. There are the camera as the lights synonymous with the rendered video material (composition). No problem so far.
One person was faced with a Greenbox rotated by means of external software is optional and also imported into After Effects. No problem.
Finale: The person is finally on the platform in the hall, the camera is approaching her.
From here it fails. The person was the 3D level is activated and in the composition of the hall and added s.ersten Frame s.der increase in the Hall of XZY axes aligned / positioned (visually experimental adapted).
When it comes to play but to shifts, while approaching the camera in the synonymous and increase the person, but it comes at a high displacement / difference is (that is not the same) - and now I miss the idea or a solution.
My suspicion is that the problem s.den axles or s.einem zero or reference point, which is different ... because someone knows more? Or. can be such a thing as a point to define the basis of the levels you / objects / Relationships can achieve ... ?
Vielen lieben Dank,
Antwort von segler:

the camera movement but in the 3d should have correct ...
AE in the difficult post ...
gruß cj
Antwort von saforge:

The synonymous is incorrect.
This is not the problem. But the combine with a Greenbox / Real Shot in After Effects itself, so that in the same relation to the imported 3D camera in the hall can be - because it fails because it shifts to come. Like two camera movements, which really should be the same, but does not run synchronously.
I have the impression that the resources / reference of the two levels (individual and Hall) s.verschiedenen positions is thus a synchronous movement of the two is precisely not possible - think the problem is more ... and how I could change, since it hooks in me ...
Antwort von saforge:

Ok - different ... Does anyone know a tutorial, which detail the interplay of Cinema 4D, the import of project files in AE and there combined with real film illustrates? Export, import is no problem - quite the finale Combine.
mfg, Saforge
Antwort von segler:

Na has gekeyter layer because thy have the correct relative position of depth? This should probably be the problem. Exported in C4D but simply a null-object medium "External Compositing" tag and then replace that with your Hansel males. In addition, of course, the focal of the camera and film back their vote, or else changes the Projketionsmatrix and the whole thing is useless.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Jup ie 2 a.m. to 3 p.m. things
3D scene tinker,
Exempt person, (eg as Tiff / Avi s.besten transparent or alpha channel with Save As Avi, the synonymous white background or NEN Greens get no preference is ....)
The data of the 3D camera with which the "real camera" option.
A level / area in the space craft, where the Figure (ie the Picture / Video) drauf briefcases.
> This is via the material editor> New Materials> Color / Lamps> Texture> Picture loading .... Since then Video / Still Image Browser can be found via> New material of the level assigned
Now the whole scene added to the finished download and place.
Now, with eg. 3D Camera drum rum fly> In layers may render or export in AFX
Ich würd remain in Cinema and only some light filter and so do things in AFX>
Key: is, inter alia, the lens settings are s.beiden cameras and the distances to the camera>> object are known.
If some extra lights (Shadow Light Face or highlight) the Greenbox occur should / can be synonymous in the 3D levels are involved.
Da gibts detailed tutorials for you.
synonymous what things like "3D Video" Conformal render settings, etc. are concerned.
Is synonymous always important when s goes to video animations.
Have there already on the right track with AFX, but only had to stop in the 3D Camera progi really have (or just figure directly in Maxon lauf leave.)
Alla you think the manager is now ;-)
Good luck
B. DeKid
PS: When you save the results are always synonymous Render as single frames with alpha output ;-))
Animation split into different rendering operations during big games and light FX stuff is synonymous advisable.
Antwort von saforge:

@ Mylenium:
Damn ... the forest for the trees ... classic. Null object was, of course, the right tip.
@ B. DeKid:
... we have probably posted the same time. But thank you anyway - problem is already solved.
Thank you s.Euch, the evening has yet saved!