Frage von Maxxx:
I'm looking for quite a long time now, but I just do not get a clear answer, as I have a 3D animation in a real video ... get with chroma-key, it is not so good I think ... There is still a possibility, as in the movies to make ... of course, only in principle :-).... I would just like the early times to make something like:
Schon mal danke in advance ^ ^
Max ..
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Go here and look
Antwort von Maxxx:

hupps ... sry ... the missing link ...
Antwort von Marco:

The 3D animation should be with a transparent background and are produced during the export, including alpha channel is stored. In Vegas has only the alpha channel in the Event Properties activated.
Antwort von kaeau:

did this thread about our statistics tool discovered here some infos:
* First 3d track: zb with syntheyes,, which is relatively inexpensive and has many functions ..
* The 3d data and then export it into a 3d tool take over (like in 3dsmax using MS script, the output of syntheyes)
that makes you equally synonymous ne camera, in which the video is matched
* Render as a TGA sequence with alpha channel, post-production tool of your choice (eg after effects) make it almost as easy and it is in the video.
on Ninc Networks (our creative community) here:,com_fireboard/Itemid,26/func,view/id,9/catid,9/haben wir synonymous nen thread dazu,
Antwort von cstuder:
I'm looking for quite a long time now, but I just do not get a clear answer, as I have a 3D animation in a real video ... get with chroma-key, it is not so good I think ... There is still a possibility, as in the movies to make ... of course, only in principle :-).... I would just like the early times to make something like:
Schon mal danke in advance ^ ^
Max .. If you just go simple compositing you can synonymous with the open source software Jashaka try.
(If only _etwas_ gewöhnungsbedürftig ...)
Antwort von Maxxx:

Good ... Thank you !!...
was really helpful ^ ^
Antwort von werbun: # 286720
(to match the theme, please help)
Antwort von kaeau:
I'm looking for quite a long time now, but I just do not get a clear answer, as I have a 3D animation in a real video ... get with chroma-key, it is not so good I think ... There is still a possibility, as in the movies to make ... of course, only in principle :-).... I would just like the early times to make something like:
Schon mal danke in advance ^ ^
Max ..
If you just go simple compositing you can synonymous with the open source software Jashaka try.
(If only _etwas_ gewöhnungsbedürftig ...) SOMETHING is good ..
and if you are lucky, not crashts times;)