Frage von Serce1975:
I've already browsed various forums, but nothing can really find useful.
I have the following equipment:
SonyDCR-PC1000E Camcorders
SonyECM-HPQ1 4 channel Micro
I make it a 4-channel recording works fine, ... synonymous in playback mode, the camera I have the info 4ch-12bit in the display.
I now war from a 5.1 respectively 5.1 DVD VCD SVCD MVCD so I synonymous on my Yamaha Dolby Digital system "in the middle-there," I?
Did you read that one with 4.0 Scenalyzer both channels at once. Avi and even included in a separate. Rediscovers wav file. Although the shareware've tried and had subsequently synonymous 2 files (. Avi and. Wav) but now what? Is that all in one go? Where else I read that you do not have 2 audio channels can capture via firewire?
I would be really thankful for the help, because the devices I've only because I gained 5.1. And I think genuine, s.Sonyzurückzuschicken after one years use, synonymous Kaufnahme in a dispute ... for it is outrageous that Sonydas whole thing is very easy for Vaio devices available, with the help of Click 2 DVD software ... And everything else is very cumbersome and expensive.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, the only cameras with built-HQP 1 have no problems Raumklangfähige as HC 90 / PC 1000 only contact with the Vaio software and then fused to surround sound, although the 5.1 Sony Sound can not be compared using dense matrix algebra with 5.1 surround sound.
Perhaps it is successful if at Sonyein little pressure makes and enjoins the Click to DVD SW.
Well, I am not a professional sound, so bring my contribution here once nothing, everything is known to you.
I think Axel had made solutions for surround sound, until recently in a contribution with the HQP 1 of a Mac user.
Antwort von TheDrummer:

JOP! - That was my contribution: =
Antwort von Serce1975:

jipi I habs hinbekommen!!
My solution:
I have a 4 channel DV material with Scenalyzer 4.0 Shareware captured, so can the second channel into a separate. Wav file is written (under Options you) set the.
Then I die. Avi and the. Wav involved in Sony Vegas 6.0 and it only once. Ac3 Dolby Digital rendered.
Then I die. Avi and the. Ac3 merged into SonyDVD Architect 3.0, DVD 5.1 settings in the test set and burn DVD ... And lo and behold:
ES Funzt!
There are synonymous determines a direct solution on Sony Vegas 6.0, but I do not work out how habs ... It does not matter, then the detour via SonyDVD Architect 3.0 ... the main thing is, I am now the middle of it!
* freu *: 970EUR + = 120EUR have paid off!
Edit: Now I see only a full version of Scenalyzer * wink * ;-)
Antwort von prem:

OK, nice and good and congratulations, but what I do NOT SONY VEGAS? : (
The 5.1 sound will stay with me probably still steal .. ;)
Antwort von chrigiboy:

I take with me the Scenalyzer the 4 channels of audio and edit it in Sony Vegas. Works perfectly so far.
Now I have for the techies among you a question:
As I will demonstrate the 4 channels for front left and rear right + Right + links evidence is clear, however, I do not know how I s.besten the center. I can not just put the two front channels to the center. Is there any software that has me the center according to the two front channels calculated? Or you have any tips? THANK YOU!
Mathematically, for example:
FR - FL = Y
FL - FR = X
(FR + FL) - (X + Y) = Center
Antwort von camworks:

Edit: Now I see only a full version of Scenalyzer * wink * ;-) but not here, here you get no copies consuming and not synonymous tips, where you will find the.
ah, forget * wink *