Frage von Domy:
I have a Schinittprogramm with a 5.1 sound creator. When I save videos of my DV Cam to PC, edit it and activate the Creator with the 5.1 sound, the program shows me exactly when to use and where Jerde channel. If I burn the whole to a DVD, I always re-create only a 2.0 sound. Why is that? Do I need encoder or any other sound card ...? I hope you can help me next!
Liebe Grüße! [/ B]
Antwort von Axel:

You must export all 6 tracks. The Wav-mono files you must clearly benne, eg L, R, C, LS, RS, SW. These ask about this in a capable and DolbyDigital AC3 Encoder (import?). Expect to consult further help here or the help of your surround program.