Frage von psst:
The new Panasonic SDR-H250 of my neighbors take the sound into AC3 on - why always synonymous. Basically there would be synonymous nothing against this, just unfortunately can not seem to have PowerDirector Premiere Elements verwursten this key, the speaker will remain silent. Premiere Elements's stands in the specification on the website, but after the 700MB download of the trial are listed in the instructions which only separate audio files left.
Before the Panasonic now can go back again: Is there any easy (easy) way to operate in an MPEG2 - Sound of the video after PCM or AC3 to convert MP2 (sinnigerweise and the video data only copy, not a new process ).
With what happened to me until now on the road is gone, especially solutions which require, with two or three half-baked and / or programs Fummel each scene Demultiplexing, umzukodieren and zusammenzupacken then again, I can not come earlier Lord.
Or is there editing programs, the movies with AC3 can process (and the wallet with an amateur filmmaker have to pay)?
For each of enlightenment grateful
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Antwort von Eva Maier:

I recommend that, as always, the AC-3 decoder
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I recommend that, as always, the AC-3 decoder $ 21.95 for what, what it is synonymous for free - well, that you do not manage my budget Checkout ...
Antwort von Eva Maier:

* gg *
Antwort von Eva Maier:

gg is not from me
Is apparently a Scherzkeks here
/ E
Antwort von psst:
Diese Diskussion sollte alle Fragen beantworten.Oh, hatte ich vergessen zu erwähnen, dass ich das MPEG-Format doch bitte behalten, also nicht nach [irgendwas] konvertieren wollte? Moment & nein, steht eigentlich drin, vielleicht nicht buchstabengenau, aber erwähnt habe ich es.
Waren meine Ausführungen vielleicht etwas zu ausführlich für das geistige Fassungsvermögen eines Dummbratzes of Deinem Format? Dafür möchte ich mich entschuldigen, das tut mir nun wirklich ganz doll aufrichtig leid, aber ich bemühe mich immer, mein Anliegen ausführlich darzustellen and es nicht wie die Fragen (and Antworten) eines Großteils einfach ins Netz zu rotzen.
Vermutlich wäre das Schema Schülerlotto für Dein geistiges Leistungsvermögen passender gewesen? Dann hätte ich in etwa diese Antwortmöglichkeiten vorgegeben:
[ ] AVI kapselt MPEG-Daten, Du kannst daher with VirtualDubMod die Filme als AVI abspeichern, die MPEG-Videodaten werden dabei nicht verändert.
[ ] MPEG2 kann nichts anderes als Dolby Digital, Du musst daher in jedem Fall Sound _und_ Picture in ein anderes Format umwandeln oder ein teures Editing program kaufen.
[ ] Supidupischnitti kann with Dolby Digital umgehen and kostet nur 120 ¬.
[ ] Schnittidupisupi kann synonymous with Dolby Digital umgehen, hat nicht diese alberne Spielzeugoberfläche wie PowerDirector and kostet nix.
[ ] Ich bin zwar keine Hilfe, ich will synonymous niemandem helfen, aber habe so einen Druck, dass ich unbedingt folgenden nutzlosen Senf dazugeben muss: [hier bitte ausfüllen.]
And now write a hundred times: "I will use the search function!" I fully understand that someone like you with the empathy of a group before fried Grottenolms louder smugness and arrogance is not able to discern that there is always very easy to find something when you already know the answer, let alone reversed to understand that someone who is not so well know, sometimes the forest for the trees can not see.
As the synonymous and that, someone else gave me kindly helped to create a script that is a whole directory at once verwurstet. In this respect: Thanks for nothing. (The last sentence can you write like hundertneunundeinzig time.)
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Oh, Psst, my raw Grottenolm!
My remarks were perhaps a little too detailed for the mental capacity of a Dummbratzes of your size? No - but you Dummbratz're on the wrong and it does not even look - or you've really twisted and incomprehensible words.
If you put your videos in an editing program like process, is in anyway MPEG editing program and unpacked at the output of the finished film re-encoded. The way of me would have offered you this way with free software or your existing editing program allows.
Otherwise, there is no, but really no reason to conduct a AC3 soundtrack by PCM (it cost more space, the sound is not better) or MPEG-1/Layer-II- Audio (loss of quality data by re-reduction) in an existing MPEG - 2 - to replace the video - unless you happen to be a raw Grottenolm and Dummbratz.
In all arrogance ... :-)
Antwort von psst:
If you put your videos in an editing program like process, is in anyway MPEG editing program and unpacked at the output of the finished film re-encoded. No, PowerDirector encodes only the parts new film, which must be re-encoded, either because they were changed or because they are not already in the desired output format.
Suppose you before, it may make sense if someone specifically wants as much as possible from the original MPEG-keeping.
Otherwise, there is no, but really no reason to conduct a AC3 soundtrack by [...] MPEG-1/Layer-II- Audio (loss of quality data by re-reduction) in an existing MPEG-2 video to replace You make yourself a "loss of quality through new data reduction"? Soso. I should therefore because of this quality loss is not practicable the AC3-sound in the MPEG file through MPEG audio and replace the image intact, but it is perfectly ok, the full MPEG movie, picture and sound, only convert AVI, only then it in order for the DVD re-issue in MPEG zurückzukonvertieren (as written, it has a reason why I use the MPEG-pictures wanted to keep)?
I might not know a lot of digital video, but I would think that picture plus two recoded original sound is still better than twice recoded Picture and Sound.
The former is my neighbor now synonymous, and although (this is for the archive) with ffmpeg and double-click on a slender DOS Single:
for%% d in (*. mod) do ffmpeg-y-i%% d-vcodec copy-acodec mp2-s.256k-s.48000%% ~ nd.mpg
So beautiful simply can s.Aufnahmen dozen packets of the hard disks of the camera with minimal losses in sound make compatible.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Well - yes it's working with the neighbors ... :-) Have fun!
If you know it all, raw Grottenolm - why did you ask?