Frage von bright!:
stand just before a small problem on the Internet so I unfortunately do nothing. We currently produce animations in progressive 1024 x 576 with square pixels, which the customer originally played off as a file have wanted. Now comes this, but with the desire, which would you prefer a hard-disc recorder in PAL 16:9 Letterbox want to play off. So have a calculator for our DeckLink Studio worried now and wonder how I do s.sinnvollsten. The setting in the DeckLink HD PAL 16:9 Letterbox to make, I have already found. I just wonder, with what I play because in the real s.sinnigsten smooth out? For AE and export via PP play? Or with Quicktime Pro? What software can I do declare that they are now full on the DeckLink ausspielt?
Would be quite grateful for every tip
Antwort von RickyMartini:

AE can do about this card IMHO unnecessary spending:
Now you need a second card to record the signal again! :)
In effect, the animation yet again as a file anyway, so it probably is better geich from AE in the correct format should render.
Antwort von bright!:

Thank you ... I would work directly on the hard disk recorder Record. The question was more, how does something with After Effects. So far, I have always rendered as a file. But how can I so what to spend ne real card? I've simply no idea how something works in After Effects.
Thanks for the effort and I look forward to every other tip.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Hi, go to the manual time card - this should help. :)
Everything else, as in a file rauszuspielen, it is pointless IMHO. Especially when it comes back on then eh Pladde is filed (with the church to the village's)!
Antwort von bright!:

Since there is unfortunately little about this. Only for how to use AE as a preview. But can we draw from AE as synonymous realtime off? Or do I with its software such as Final Cut or Premiere Pro do?
That with the Hard Disk Recorder and the plate is so far unclear, as that a Doremi not want to have files, but simply a SDI signal.