Frage von fritt:
hab grad mein erstes video cut (with adobe premiere pro 7.0), went very well. But now I have issue with the massive problems!
1) In the video are stored as mp3 sound, I think that is the reason why I can not create an MP2.
2) After creating an AVI jerky the Picture (in the monitor window is good). Is this just s.Screen, or then synonymous s.TV? Compressor is indeo video 5:03
3) The video is 43 minutes long, the AVI has a size of 5.3GB. How will I get this to DVD? With what can / should I compress?
Thanks for your answers!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

So I have very often MP3 on the timeline, and a bit jerky to me before. Absoielen If you want your movie to a compatible DVD as a video DVD, then you have your movie as MPEG2 encoding to create the MPEG2 file to load it into an authoring program, a small menu tinkering, if necessary, set chapter points and then the VIDEO_TS folder leave (from the authoring program). Nero for example, you then create a video DVD. All you have to move the contents of your VIDEO_TS created (and louder. Copy ifo,. Bup files etc) into Nero. And that was it. Abstract.
With Indeo and others Gedöns You'll get no compatible MPEG2 files for DVD.
Antwort von prem:

Hi Andy,
Thank you for your answer!
To question 1) I now have the reason, I've saved the project in several versions. And just in the first version to the background with mp3 must have slipped some errors. When trying to output via mp2 always comes the error message: "unknown error" (adobe premiere pro 7.0) Perhaps some setting set incorrectly, therefore, all unsuccessful mp3 again (10 hrs!)
When I have the mp2, how are you dan next? There is somewhere a detailed instructions how I make a video DVD it get? One of the synonymous for a beginner is easy to understand?
On question 2, jerky, jerky synonymous to mp2? Only s.PC monitor or later UACh s.TV (try not kanns as synonymous to the burner for the time spins!)
Thank you
Antwort von AndyZZ:

What do you mean jerk it with?
Stops playing sometimes or you have more of a flicker on the screen?
How long is your movie?
How do you which data rate it from out Premiere converted to MPEG2 format? Video data rate? Audio data rate?
What is audio compression? Also MPEG2 and LPCM or AC3?
To put it onto a DVD as a video DVD to get you need an authoring program such as Adobe Encore or DVDLab ( Both Programs will get you a trial version, try the program.
I work with DVDLab Pro and am thrilled. They have a good help feature that guides you through the program.
Antwort von fritt:

Hi Andy,
1) the jerk is a faltering image reproduction, which is especially visible when zooming. Then no fluid movement is in the Picture.
2) I currently have the problem that I can not create mp2 this projket out. There always comes the error message "Failed to create the film. - Unknown error" immediately after the start of the operation (Format = MPEG2 settings, default = PAL MPEG-2 Generic
3) The film is 43 min or 68,000 frames long, on a 5.3 GB AVI is. Erstmal I am happy if somehow got a backup copy on DVD! Then I watch athoring at your suggestion for the program. Thanks for the link!!
Antwort von fritt:

If I were a mp2 create, i get 2 files: an *. mpeg m2v and * how can I play?
Antwort von AndyZZ:

5.3 Gbytes for 43 minutes seems a little bit. Normal has a DV-AVI is, so about 13 MB per 1
What's your original format? DV Camera? Cell phone? Digital camera? Internet source?
What is the Resolutiondeines Original material?
Antwort von prem:

DV Camera!
In the Monitor window (of the timeline away) it runs smoothly. Mp2 files are 2 correct?
Antwort von AndyZZ:

How did you get your pictures of the DV camera to the PC?
When was the last time your hard drive has been defragmented?
What file system do you have? FAT32 or NTFS?
Could it be that you have changed the field order? DV is lower field at first.
Antwort von sportsoccerfoot:

I can not imagine what defragementieren that has to do with an mp2 file to??
But no fields have authorized. Liegts maybe it's time to try werds!