Frage von Badd:
Hallo ihr Lieben!
A long time ago a friend gave me Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 s.Computer installed. Is not the test version since I already have at least 5 months. synonymous and does not need to enter codes, etc..
Only when I start, I can have all the format selection - only HDV is disabled because when I start> new project, all I can select DV, etc. only when I click the folder HDV subfolders do not appear to be, nor is the OK button selectablly.
Is not there something or is this normal or is otherwise eingespeißt HDV?
If I were now with the FX1E or even Z1E in HDV recording in 24p PAL would like to spend, I need HDV synonymous or can I just 24p DV project open?
Antwort von baerfot:

So, if you fraachst me ... Almost as an expert - then sounds like pirate copy and you affect me like the last Dummbeutel ;-)
Antwort von baerfot:

The prices and the functioning of a robbery would be announced already, but unfortunately only one copy ists (-;)