Frage von stonecutterr:
I've ne question is because the CBR better than VBR when I have enough space? I always assume the following settings, but only because I did not know better
Video Summary:
Codec: MainConcept MPEG Video
Quality: 5.0 (high quality)
TV standard: PAL
Frame rate [fps]: 25
Field order: Lower
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Frame Width [pixels]: 720
Frame Height [pixels]: 576
Bitrate Encoding: CBR (constant bitrate)
Bitrate [Mbps]: 9.0000 (high quality)
M Frames: 3
N frames: 15
Audio Summary:
Audio Format: PCM
Codec: PCM Audio
Sample size: 16 bit
Frequency: 48 kHz
I know that PCM is very large, but when I'm MPG standard was chosen because my DVD player has no sound played ... What can I select the app so that it corresponds to the standard sound, so it runs überlall?
I'm with my DVDs s.Fernsehr very satisfied, but s.PC it is quite cheap ... But if I MGEG N 4 film on DVD with mpg 2 Encoder then the quality is better ...
Can you give me perhaps help? Thank you very much!
Antwort von Markus:
... is because the CBR better than VBR when I have enough space? No, there should be at a high data rate does not differ, whether you CBR or VBR setting.
More Info:
Optimum settings for MainConcept Encoder (keyword: full throttle)
Bitrate [Mbps]: 9.0000 (high quality) And yet, the DVD on your DVD player? What about other players? The data rate is extremely high ...
Learn More:
Datenrate bei der DVD "
Reasons for the DVD-image disturbances What can I select the app so that it corresponds to the standard sound, so it runs überlall? With Dolby Digital, I have good experiences. But AC3 Premiere can export?
I'm with my DVDs s.Fernsehr very satisfied, but s.PC it is quite cheap ... Makes me wonder not. Video s.Computer is usually not the hit ... see synonymous
Video recordings see s.PC-monitor does not look good