Frage von Fred's Bus:
I would have the following question: I own a SonyCX6EK and would like the AVCHD material to edit. Only with which program? Are there ever been a editing program, which supports this format? Have I with quality losses to be expected?
Thank you for your help!
Antwort von Marco:

Sony Vegas, Sony Movie Studio, Edius, Pinnacle Studio ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

purchase advice read:
And yes, Berabeitungsverluste are to be expected, but with the right software is relatively low.
Antwort von Fred's Bus:

Okay, thank you so far. Then I'm obviously such a great Beginners, that I included the function in Vegas does not think. Can I get a link to a tutorial mention that the importing of AVCHD material describes?
Antwort von wolfgang:

For this tutorial I do not know - because hardly any of need. Simply from the Windows Explorer the files with the mouse in the timeline of Vegas drag.
Antwort von Legeo:

I have already tried. Then it tells me that the file format is not supported.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Is it a trial? If not activated and free of old, then it might be that the decoder is not released.
And what is it for a Vegas version? The import of AVCHD material s.Vegas 7e is only possible - it should have an earlier release than 7e, then the update of the SonyPage fetch and install it.
Antwort von Marco:

Then you have probably no current version of Vegas. AVCHD is a very cut-modern and new format and is therefore synonymous only of current program versions. Sony Vegas supports AVCHD since version 7.0E and additionally Panasonic and Canon AVCHD since Vegas 8.0 (possible that Canon AVCHD synonymous with 7.0E already running).
So you need 7.0E Vegas or Vegas 8.0.