Frage von ohlein:
I would like in the future, the AVCHD format on my PC and edit only burning question I have if my new PC (see below) the synonymous effortlessly creates?
PROCESSOR Intel ® Core !" i7 processor 940 (2.93 GHz, 8 MB Cache, 4.8 GT / s)
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows Vista ® Home Premium SP1 (64 bit)-German
8.192MB Memory (4 x 1,024 2 x 2,048) 1,067 MHz DDR3 Tri-Channel
HARD DRIVE SATA hard drive, 1.2 TB (2x 640 GB, 7200 1/min) dual-HDD configuration, RAID 0 (Striping)
Display Adapter ATI ® Radeon ® 4850-graphics card with 512 MB
OPTICAL DRIVES 6x Blu-ray burning drive (Blu-ray, DVD and CD read and write) and 16x DVD-ROM drive
What would improve your PC s.den he has not yet been ordered ...?? Or is it just as it is totally okay?
Gruß, Roland
Antwort von newsart:

Hello Roland,
I would like to purchase a similar PC. Can you mail me (at) newsart (dot) com, where you buy and what kind of price you've identified?
I would be the only Festplattenraid for video data and an independent system disk operating solo.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

To archive the original AVCHD files, I would still have to buy two drives and the material included on DVD / Blu-Ray (depending on volume) burn.
How newsart already written, should be the OS and all programs on a separate plate come.
With the cut-and DVD / Blu-Ray authoring software you want to work?
I would "Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum" and / or "Canopus Edius NEO" for the cut and "film distillers 6 Corel Pros - with HD Pack" for authoring a friend.
Version 'Pro 7' There are not yet on the German market. The English trial but you can test.
Antwort von painter:

've just mitgelesen here and I wonder whether synonymous someone can say whether my calculator / software onist?
Have the following problem:
cut AVCHD,
and is currently working with Adobe CS4,
the clips are running in the Player (Classic Media) beautiful,
synonymous in the timeline for CS4 to run them well. But once I crossfades
or other effects draufziehe and then click Play in the preview, they go to Effect, come to a halt, remain sound and will run next.
Is my calculator too weak, or what I need in the basic attitude change?
AMD Athlon Dual Core 2 * 2.93 GHz, Windows Xp 32 Bit, 4GB RAM (2 * 2012, 800Mhz, CL4), 500 GB hard drive 7.200, graphic card, I do not know it from
MSI Radeon 4350 with 512Mb DDR2
thanks in advance ...
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Painter
CS4 has its strength in the cooperation with the GPU. CS4 Does not appropriate to the graphics card, the CPU takes over everything. Effects can then, depending on the complexity is no longer in real time and must first be rendered.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

With AVCHD effects are not echtzeittauglich why it comes to this behavior. How quickly will probably not change synonymous.
Using the HD-Intermediatecodecs cut, comes the play, however, synonymous faltered when effects are added.
The very high data rate (good 100Mbit / s per lane AV) just calls their toll, in the latter case.
Antwort von WoWu:

But if I already have CS4, I would like to have the graphics card is now synonymous still not over indulge and Intermediates are the advantages of AVC not support it.
We have the combination 4Core/Q4 card in use, but in conjunction with the graphics card to run the simple screens synonymous in real time. Only complex filter must be rendered.
With 2-core, you're already in relation to the end on the right page.
A 1080p frame has approx. 80 MHz ... 25Bilder x = 2 GHz
Otherwise you need to render effects in between.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

If the final rendering in a file synonymous adequately supported or is only on the preview?
If an issue after AVC possible synonymous with CS4?
Antwort von WoWu:
If the final rendering in a file synonymous adequately supported That is the main approach. Also, the rendering speeds are comparable with MPEG2 - Files on CPU computing base.
We use ProCS4 and it will 1080i25/30 supported.
Also 1080p50/60 but lack of footage, I can say nothing about.
But 1080i25/30 is inclusive of all synonymous metadata as a file and in the structure.
Antwort von painter:

So if I understand correctly, my calculator is actually fit enough, only the graphics card was still inside?
Could someone tell me how and what exactly is such a cost? Or. where I so bad?
again thank you for the quick reply!
Antwort von WIWE:

Am now of DV to AVCHD converted. My current PC (Pentium 4 / 3.0 GHZ) is obviously far too slow. I have Sony's Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0 and bought search now synonymous a faster PC. Ohlein The question of whether his new PC with Intel's i7 940 is fast enough has not been clearly answered. Does the preview smooth with this CPU? Or should we even faster processor use? (The unfortunately synonymous currently costs twice as much).
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
@ Painter
CS4 has its strength in the cooperation with the GPU. CS4 Does not appropriate to the graphics card, the CPU takes over everything. Effects can then, depending on the complexity is no longer in real time and must first be rendered. That interests me synonymous. Graikkarte What would you recommend for?
Gruss Rolf ...
Antwort von deti:
Ohlein The question of whether his new PC with Intel's i7 940 is fast enough has not been clearly answered. Does the preview smooth with this CPU? The preview is below approximately s.E8400 Vegas Pro (Core 2 Duo 3GHz) - if you do not make costly corrections s.Material. Our standard processor is currently the Q9550 and it rocks pretty Vegas - so that should still newer Core i7 940 certainly do.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Rolf
We have the CS4 with the Nvidia QCX combined.
That is not to say that there are no others there, only that we have not tried others.
The CS4 and the QCX we get in a bundle.
But I'm quite sure there are better solutions synonymous.
Thus, I can not serve .. yes there is always synonymous slightly depends on how the NLE-related plays.
Antwort von Zaun:

I can only say einener experience more than sufficient.
My system now consists of Q9550, 1TB WD, 3870Sapphire until yesterday since yesterday Vista 32Bit Windows 7th
Yesterday I used my 28GB Project (Pinnacle Studio12) processed.
Cam.HG20 -24 Mbps data rate, 1920x1080 Full HD recording
This trial is in the network and is the hammer.
The media player of Windows synonymous AVCHD plays in full screen like a television from smooth.
Antwort von wolfgang:
Am now of DV to AVCHD converted. My current PC (Pentium 4 / 3.0 GHZ) is obviously far too slow. I have Sony's Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0 and bought search now synonymous a faster PC. Ohlein The question of whether his new PC with Intel's i7 940 is fast enough has not been clearly answered. Does the preview smooth with this CPU? Or should we even faster processor use? (The unfortunately synonymous currently costs twice as much).
Günter But that should actually be absolutely sufficient.
Antwort von MHK:

So I sit atm s.einem Core2Duo E6600 @ 3GHz (rest:
Antwort von WoWu:

The problem with a simple CPU change will always exist, that the architecture does not change .... it is perhaps in the preview faster, (but probably not even that, because a 1080p picture is 80 MHz and one at 25 GHz with 2 images altogether) .... but not the time for rendering processes Bewegungsprädiktion .... GPUs may be the better ....
Trying it out as an interim solution to a suitable graphics card.
That might make more sense.
Antwort von RickyMartini:
I can only say einener experience more than sufficient.
My system now consists of Q9550, 1TB WD, 3870Sapphire until yesterday since yesterday Vista 32Bit Windows 7th
Yesterday I used my 28GB Project (Pinnacle Studio12) processed.
Cam.HG20 -24 Mbps data rate, 1920x1080 Full HD recording
This trial is in the network and is the hammer.
The media player of Windows synonymous AVCHD plays in full screen like a television from smooth. Could you have something on the changes in the performance of "Windows 7" received?
The image quality and performance of the H.264 decoder is really so good?
Antwort von WoWu:

... I would be happy with the question of rendering speed and if you connect something about the distribution of load among the cores can say.
Antwort von deti:
So I sit atm s.einem Core2Duo E6600 @ 3GHz (rest:
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Sliced be with me but with NEO because I need the source monitor and the Premiere workflow similar'm accustomed. To export to other codes is "Sony Vegas" but a very good addition.
In Vegas, I have now, however, the problem is that the playing of the videos are not created with the original text. Times missing on 10s, other times it's almost too much 2min. After about 2min the video playback starts s.zu stutter. At the source material, it seems not to lie, because it both MPEG2 HD as synonymous with Canopus HQ occurs. Now I render with only two cores, if it should s.Quad.
Antwort von deti:
Now I render with only two cores, if it should s.Quad.
Hm .. very strange. We have Vegas Pro 8 and since I have not noticed that.
Antwort von Zaun:
So it is matter of opinion since my monitor (WSXGA Resolution: 1.680x1.050) HD is not yet (but soon), but whether one sees the difference? But on my HD plasma and of the Pana BD35. synonymous, it is not otherwise aus.Das beautiful s.BD35 is the one directly to the SDHC card with AVCHD from the Cam reinschiebt and there you go.
Even on Windows 7th
Very good, I found that I not only the drivers for the board had nothing to install next. I guess this makes it even then until the actual launch. It was the same AHA Efekt like XP.
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Am now of DV to AVCHD converted. My current PC (Pentium 4 / 3.0 GHZ) is obviously far too slow. I have Sony's Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0 and bought search now synonymous a faster PC. Ohlein The question of whether his new PC with Intel's i7 940 is fast enough has not been clearly answered. Does the preview smooth with this CPU? Or should we even faster processor use? (The unfortunately synonymous currently costs twice as much).
But that should actually be absolutely sufficient.
As I see, seems PowerDVD8 a problem with the Vegas m2ts-files. MovieFactory game shows the correct length.
Correctly, of MF after it has been processed, everything is true. :)
Antwort von deti:
As I see, seems PowerDVD8 a problem with the Vegas m2ts-files. MovieFactory game shows the correct length.
I just noticed that the "SonyAVC" codec from Vegas pretty badly coded. I assume, therefore, always the MainConcept AVC / AAC "codec - which you can then synonymous a 2-pass coding. Have no idea whether in the Platinum version synonymous both codecs are involved.
Antwort von RickyMartini:
The Quad renders three cores with 40% faster than with two.
In the Platinum version, codecs of MainConcept Sonyand included.
I see that HD with the MainConcept codec is not possible, a pity.
Antwort von wolfgang:
So at least in the Pro version, you can very well be the MainConcept AVC HD Encoder to ensure this is not the problem.
That the SonyAVC encoder encodes bad, just the impression I did not. The result is 1920 in my view very close s.Ausgangsmaterial chain and practically with the indent Mainconecpt mpeg2 encoder.
Especially if this length change over a number of codecs is confirmed, it would be a good indication that there is s.Quellmaterial.
Antwort von deti:
Trying times with a small bitrate like 5Mbit / s coding, because we see significant disadvantages when "SonyAVC" codec compared to the 2-pass procedure of the MainConcept codecs. At higher bitrates, the differences are not so clearly in the eye, but you can still synonymous unique static pattern in areas with a lot of change in exercise.
Antwort von Zaun:
The key question was though, presents his computer?
ohlein is certainly grateful tips on how he put together his PC should be.
I believe that ohlein with your tips a lot of money saved.
Configuration of a computer for DV editing!.
What he should attach importance or so.MfG Uwe
Antwort von painter:
so gehts mir synonymous, is very interesting to read, but really got me just yet.
Have the times now synonymous assly. Timeline rendered (8 min film), is now synonymous quite unnecessary preview, but smaller Ruckler there still.
Somehow I wonder whether the whole AVCHD sorcery with graphics card and CPU power and so what else is worth anything? Grief because now my HDV cam with tape after. Since everything went like greased!
Antwort von Zaun:
Are the Ruckler on the Cam, or on your calculator?
So far it has on my old calculator geruckelt but the finished project will proceed on the normal DVD (AVCHD on DVD) and on the Blu-ray Disc player video.
Since it does not need Blu-ray burner and blanks.
Perhaps important for all those with HD video to start a very effective alternative to Blu-ray! Whether the Blu-ray dursetzt was eh dahingestellt.MfG Uwe
Antwort von painter:
Ruckler which are only in the timeline to see (despite rendering), but it falters synonymous only 2-3 times in a video of ca.8 min already ok. However, there are hardly synonymous Effects drauf, only transitional and title screens, as well as audio, nothing else. The finished film (unfortunately, still in Normaufl. 576 * 720) after running on the DVD player perfectly.
Antwort von wolfgang:
Then you talk here of a mere preview issue, with the man but to better worlds can live as if it is in the finished product would be rendered. Because there watching something I have not ...
Antwort von painter:
yes. Did I maybe wrong words! Sorry.
Thanks anyway my first of Page ...