Frage von laendi12:
How can I virualdub with an AVI movie to a DV-AVI.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Film open with VirtualDub, in Video Compression DV Select, press F7 and a file name ... Requires that a DV codec in the system is installed.
Antwort von laendi12:

And if there is no dv codec is installed?
Where can I get a come from?
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Since I am not the names of all the questioner wants to remember and, unfortunately, I see only now that this question is actually on
Und, lieber Laendi: Willst Du Dein Kameravideo in einen anderen Film reinschneiden oder was? Mir scheint, Du weißt nicht, was Du eigentlich willst. Kein Vorwurf, nur 'ne Feststellung ...
Und, lieber Laendi: Willst Du Dein Kameravideo in einen anderen Film reinschneiden oder was? Mir scheint, Du weißt nicht, was Du eigentlich willst. Kein Vorwurf, nur 'ne Feststellung ...
Und, lieber Laendi: Willst Du Dein Kameravideo in einen anderen Film reinschneiden oder was? Mir scheint, Du weißt nicht, was Du eigentlich willst. Kein Vorwurf, nur 'ne Feststellung ...
Antwort von laendi12:

I've tried everything already. But there's always this error message "Error getting compressor output format size"! I can not do so simply. maybe someone knows what I have to do?
My DV codec which I have called it "MainConcept DV Codec 2.0.4
Thanks for the help
gruss beni
Antwort von Stefan:
"Error getting compressor output format size" may mean that your video somewhere not DV compatible.
This can be through a screen size which, is not 720x576. Or a frame rate equal to 25 frames / s
Remedy would be an appropriate preparation of the video with the VD-processing and filtering options (resize).
link to computer parameters
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von laendi12:

Yes the video, which I would like to convert 160 x 128 is great! it might be?
Antwort von Stefan:

Very likely.
You can try it at standard size DV aufzublasen. To do this you can
resize the VD filter use. You have basically two options:
1 / The original image can be so small and then a colored / black border or drummachen
2 / The original picture (although at 160x128 => 720x576 heavy blocks to produce)
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von Gast 0815:

or holding an intermediate thing from Stefan's proposals, roughly a doubling in 320x 256, then rest on the periphery, one is when playing the Picture is not too small, and makes the viewing of large artifacts synonymous not really much fun ....
And look synonymous times Framrate your videos.
Greetings from Marburg