Frage von hsenzahn:
I am using the above system AVID (Express Pro 4.6) and have now tried to export a project. To this end, I wanted the included use Sorenson Squeeze.
Unfortunately I think in the Sorenson Exportmenu under "options" is not.
I will be the usual variables export (AVI, QuickTime, Windows Media, etc.) are offered. But not Sorenson.
In AVID folder
(C: / programs / avid / avid express pro / avid templates / send to templates / encoding)
The following file:
"sorenson_squeeze.stt". But it seems to recognize my AVID does not, or can not start ...
What am I doing wrong? Someone knows how I can use the encoder?
Or even better: Do you like my movies (cheaply) get burned to DVD?
Lieben Gruß hasen of dental
Antwort von Ela-Luca:

Actually you probably aud SEND TO> then there should be selectablly, BUT:
Änhliches have a problem, because I think under no SEND TO Sorenson ... there is only MAKE NEW and then I can select Sorenson nowhere. When I was with Sorenson not included, I have been newly dazubekommen. Do I still somehow linked?
Please someone help us?
Danke schon mal :-)
Antwort von Pianist:

Sorenson Squeeze is a separate program. It begins in the Avid a Quicktime Reference ", it creates two files: One and a WAV MOV with MOV is only a reference and the WAV already contains the complete soundtrack.
Then we open "squeeze", imports the (very small) MOV file and links to the audio file. And both together then turn the selected Compression of the left, so for a DVD is "Mpeg2" with the appropriate settings. Then on "apply" button and then "squeeze".
The two resulting files can then be imported into the DVD authoring program and burn the DVD.
Antwort von Ela-Luca:

Hello Matthias,
thank you for your quick reply!
Likewise, I made synonymous, but I've read that AVID and Sorenson together so that they can link: AVID auto recalls then everything s.Sorenson by clicking on SEND TO goes.
But one thing it could be a problem: What do you mean with "link" of the audio file? The fact that both in the same Sorenson Project / Job imported?
Did the so egmacht and then simply (for DVD) MPG2 applied to mov.
Wonder, however, why I use the aif file then ever in Sorenson import, if it remains untouched by compressing.
I bring the two but only when the DVD authoring zuzammenbringen again.
What else: Is it a concern when one of these typical longitudinal strips at Bewegeung has? Do I have to interlaced and deinterlaced what has changed in AVID or until Sorenson?
Sorry, something has now become longer, but I know myself with Codex did not look good and so some basic knowledge of the basic settings I am missing synonymous again. That is why I am here ...
Danke schon mal!
Antwort von Pianist:
Wonder, however, why I use the aif file then ever in Sorenson import, if it remains untouched by compressing. Something's happening already with the files. I can tell you but not synonymous to say exactly what the program does with the files. I have not tried yet synonymous, whether I use the WAV file directly under the picture in the DVD authoring program can be set. The authoring program operates before burning anyway again a "Umschlüsselvorgang", which always synonymous actually happens.
The path that works for me, looks just like that I think the small reference MOV file to "squeeze" import, then click "Batch" and the "Audio Link" button, the corresponding WAV file and choose so that the sound directly Picture with the link. Then, both yellow, if you draufklickt. And if I have to Mpeg2 DVD encoding on both application, I get an MPV and an MPA file, so video and audio. The two then I do in the authoring program.
Kannst ja mal test whether it works, if only the Picture squeezt and the WAV file into the authoring program. No idea whether the program will be the appropriate audio stream for the DVD and makes this synonymous synchronously remains.
Incidentally, I agree with all my answers frecherweise assume that export these things at your Xpress Pro running the same as with my Media Composer, but it probably should be.
Antwort von Ela-Luca:

Previously I had audio and video separately inserted, were not directly linked only under a project together.
The times have now done so, as you've written.
However, I am still not the m2v video file with sound watch ... that is probably normal?
If I, however, only the video file as a QT-R from Avid play, I have sound.
After the squeeze synonymous, I have a M2A-(mPa you had written, but do m2a, right?) And a m2v file. The synonymous, but I had no linking of audio and video into Squeeze.
The m2a file, I can, however, no preference whether with or without a link, not play, but I have no matching program and I can not synonymous to burn DVD in Nero import.
Which burning program you use?
Oh, thank you for your answer already - I bins ore easier! I come to solve the problem thanks to you a little closer :-)
Antwort von Ela-Luca:

To see the files just for me.
Antwort von Ela-Luca:

So, my solution to the problem:
1. . mov file import
2. DVD_Pal to Sm, double-click
3. Bitrate to 4000 represent
3. Data Type select PROGRAM (so that audio and video as an mpg file compressed)
C'est ca! Everything else, as usual, and you do not actually import audio individually!