Frage von omi:
Good evening, dear experts,
every 14 days after study of this forum, I am much wiser, but still not clever enough with so many new Fachgebrabbel enough to have succeeded. Treated me very nice, it is synonymous am ..... but still very green issues video editing is my creativity with greater security than my knowledge.
What's wrong with the import that refuses AP ( "Filetype is not supported "???) if no preference. Mov,. AVI or. Mpeg video files to accept?
It is already converted several of my clips - other clips of different formats can be imported. These clips can be said in all formats in every major program synonymous play.
Antwort von beiti:

Can you just write times, what we are talking about software? Perhaps to Adobe Premiere 6.0 (somewhat older), or Adobe Premiere Elements 6.0 (not yet so old)?
Antwort von Jörg:
or Adobe Premiere Elements 6.0 (not yet so old)? lol, not yet so old is good, this version would be so new ... that's still not at all. the gabs never and will never give synonymous.
Omi says AP 6.0.Und the problem is "They are already converted several clips of me -" lie.
In what format do you have since converted? The AP comes from 6.0x the previous millennium, because there are safe format, which are not editable.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von omi:

Fine, thank you for your answer, so I've almost thought of something, think sometimes just does not s.das what I already know.
Sign me with certainty if I have it all out.
Yes, the clips I have constantly out-and her converts, reordered and bad deals. A pity, I hope what can still be saved and properly prepare. Did the program get a gift, always in advance with sony vegas small clips from movies (Camera, Handy and selbstgebasteltetes in Photoshop) is created, to the delight of my family and many small rider kids. Am a layman with a lot of creative fun s.PC. .... Roofed me something good with the program to do-it speaks, in contrast to Vegas finally with German .... uh .... I thought that doing good.
Ah yes, the original clip was from AVI, MOV to then, then mpeg, freu mich much space on my PC to have.
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

Subjective opinion: Sony Vegas is better than Adobe Premiere 6.0
Antwort von beiti:
yet not so old is good, this version would be so new ... that's still not at all. the gabs never and will never give synonymous.
Omi says AP 6.0. Hast recht. I had the new Premiere Elements 7 in mind and not noticed that the Adobe versions 5 and 6 just has skipped.
Ah yes, the original clip was from AVI, MOV to then, then mpeg, freu mich much space on my PC to have. The multiple conversion, the quality of course, not better ... : (Perhaps you can avoid this in the future.
Even I use Premiere 6.0 from the last millennium, "and many have already done so, what then still was not foreseen (up to a full-HD slideshow). Premiere 6.0 is for many purposes is still a very interesting program and saves the computer resources, because it hardly makes what happens in real time. However, it requires a little more thinking and "input" Page of the user, it's none of the modern "All-In-All-Out-editing programs, the thousand-understand format. With various plugins and programs to prepare the video clips you can then ultimately processing almost anything. Before large files (at least as an interim step) but should not be afraid.
In this specific case, one would have to originate and basic data (resolution, frame rate, compression) of video clips to know. Then could it be perhaps with the help of free VirtualDub and similar programs fit make for Premiere 6.0. For example, the words "AVI" or "MOV" alone does not help much, because this container formats are, where everything can drinstecken. So just because the premiere of an AVI file reads, it must be far from another AVI file read.
If you look at this format with questions not addressed, is certainly every modern amateur editing program better suited synonymous if (or perhaps because) it is not as professionally designed as Premiere 6.0.
Antwort von omi:

Nix with half the stuff, the whole thing makes me much too much fun, because I prefer to learn next, I am happy apart. Was only up to this forum no idea how I can learn and with whom. So it seems as long as you / You my amateur questions answered free blasphemous. Maybe I am even more professional.
The ending was ultimately only on the packaging, but little about the contents of states, I knew in general terms already. This is called thus the container format. Aha.
Since I still have the original clips, anyway, everything is half as wild.
Where and how can I look at all properties, so the basic data view clips? When I go to properties, it is not so much what it is.
Since the clips are not of my camera (as I can determine so far), so I know it not.
What characteristics must have the file so that I do for this program can use?
Have yet to - it is called now "convert" - always "super" is used, which offers lots of yes to the above parameters change ..... habs but never used, did not exactly know why I should do .... ok, now I suspect why ....
Also, I wonder still: Sony Vegas or AP? Basically, I am personally quite no preference ..... I must learn SOWISO-where are the advantages - and disadvantages? Peso will I find in the Krkonose AP hitherto advantage that this program with me talking German. Müh me happy but synonymous with engl next statements. Also making wiser.
Be nice gegrüßt
Antwort von beiti:

Which version of Vegas did you? The big "Vegas Pro" or the little "Vegas Movie Studio? Apparently yes, you have an older version, because both are synonymous for some time in German.
Had a recent German Vegas version might be just the thing for you?
Antwort von omi:

With all kinds Movimakerprogrammen I have played quite s.Anfang. Made me not so much joy, is quickly bored. The Vegas version was not very old, but gave me nothing, because it is a giant playground for me, u know I got ne quiet, everything is possible. In addition, I paint and draw very happy to have very many music cd `s of all music genres. This combination captivates me s.den PC and s.das Pad (of Aldi ... ... 20euro) for the design of senseless things - produce of Grußclips s.Freunde, entertaining for Ponykinder (bin maker of occupation), lehreiche clips smile ..... oh so everything can be processed. Can not always predict what will draus. I Ushabe the synonymous Pferdchen from my logo animated and brought to the run. Use in combination with everything Photoschop CS (..... is certainly not synonymous old version ....)
Yes, of sending a new version of Vegas, the synonymous still speaks German träum I know. Know but not in my friends, so what did u still synonymous with me about this kind of things communicated. Otherwise, I think I can fairly quickly learn to make a program to use. For the useful application of my current AP 6.0 missing me, unfortunately, a lot of basic knowledge, since I'm back s.Punkt, I just like the small Movimakerprogramme use. War with Sony Vegas ever better.
LG - freu mich auf Answer
Antwort von omi:

..... it goes. After I finally enough with formats, images / minute, Aspect, bitrate per minute .... ect. verbrüdert have work to import all the clips into synonymous AP 6.0 from the last millennium "problem! Thanks for your help - until the next problem.