Frage von ViktorL:
I have a problem with the DVD creation. Unzwar if he is to render a menu comes in the error message "File Not Found".
Now I do not know what I do
MfG ViktorL
Antwort von Chezus:

Search the file?
Maybe you have even a File Footage moved Encore and now finds it no more.
Encore already taking me some strange error messages them. I always grausts unstable before this program
Antwort von ViktorL:

in the preview but nothing is missing. this is funny
Antwort von Chezus:

This is Encore.
Last week I had the following problem:
assigned to all objects in the preview were no errors found.
Then, while spending on DVD or as an image (each time the same message): "This file does not seem to be Photoshop File"
I had nothing imported! Always and always.
After a restart of Encore went garnicht more. The Project, I could then sort the garbage into Kloppe (fortunately was not very extensive)
Now I'm working again rather with DVD Studio Pro. I just changed to Encore because I wanted the dynamic link times better test would
Antwort von ViktorL:

So ein Mist. That was pretty much work on my Project.
Antwort von Mylenium:

The cache folder ornament, then renders all menus new Encore.
Antwort von ViktorL:

The bug is still there. Even someone a solution proposed?
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Encore already taking me some strange error messages them. I always grausts unstable before this program Since I have you, with all enthusiasm for the Adobe programs, but unfortunately completely agree! Encore is by far the immature Adobe video product in the line! And even in the CS3 version. CS4, I have not really (on stability and predictability of reactions) durchgetestet.
I'm always like needles, if I have a complicated project in Encore finish will ...
If Encore would be at least as fair, that I created all the subfolders (except for the actual project file and the raw material) could weglöschen (such as Premiere Pro) and then the Encore project still can start! But no: There is then nothing more and you can start ahead of! Makes the (somewhat spacesaving) Encore archive a project virtually impossible! And the mighty annoying!
I wish I really think that Adobe times a programmer team for a month to deliver exclusively Encore finally up to the same level as Photoshop, After Effects or Premiere Pro synonymous! - No, dear Adobler, no new features, but just in all the existing Encore correctly and stable running!
What madness is: After Effects is undoubtedly to complex masses in its functions, but it runs stable as ne-old church organ, in Comparison to Encore!
Adobe Guys: Do your friggin 'job right, pleaaase!