Frage von OHMS:
I have with the help of Adobe Encore DVD 1.5 together and now they wanted to burn. When creating hangs Encore s.derselben but always spot on, and although the status: "Menus are created" I have not, by itself, the menu is created with Photoshop, but in the library of encore removed. I have often happens when the menu is synonymous again cleared and re-created. But the error occurs again. When "Project review" will give me the way, does not show any errors ....
Schomal someone had this error and could possibly help me?
Antwort von Meggs:

Try out the option DVD folder. If no error is, you can see the actual DVD synonymous with Nero or another burning program.
Antwort von OHMS:

Has not worked unfortunately synonymous. Depends s.derselben body ....
Antwort von dietzemichi:

try it out a whole new aufzumachen Project and then to the whole authors, sometimes hangs Encore s.irgendwas on what we ourselves will never find out ... because it helps sometimes, the project re-create, unfortunately, is the successor versions become synonymous not better ...
Antwort von Meggs:

In what format is your movie? Importierst you have a DVD-compatible MPEG, or must create the Encore?
Antwort von OHMS:

I have 3 Cutting window. In 2 pictures. They are however completely transcoded encore (according to status at the "Create Project"). In the 3rd Window is cut NEN avi movie I created with Premiere.
The problem always occurs when status "menus will be created." Have the menu synonymous schonmal erased and re-created and everything linked to .... ne It is so annoying halt because the appraisal is not a mistake .....
Antwort von Meggs:

I would say the taste: The AVI MPEG with Premiere zun render. In New Project window, cut the 3 individually and try to reproduce. So you might get out, what has disturbed Encore.
Antwort von Mylenium:

How many pictures are in the slideshows? Encore 1.5 has an error at the 60 or so pictures may not be exceeded (although theoretically possible 99). Maybe yes das isses
Antwort von OHMS:

Hello. It ca 90th I was synonymous with the 99 in the head .... Then I will reduce the times.