Frage von PG_05:
Hi folks,
I recently started to cut a video with Adobe Premiere CS3 and whenever I import my files in order with the cut to begin, Adobe remains after the draw Peakdatei of the raw material are available. Nothing is more ... as long as the App s.erstellen after the peak file is, I can handle everything nicely, but once the file is ready, Adobe hangs on. What can you do? About 1 months ago, I had another video cut and because everything went smoothly. But now aufeinmal the App hangs after creating the file to peak.
The problem is that I quite under time pressure with the creation of the video.
Therefore I ask you to provide quick advice
Thanks in advance schonmal
Antwort von weigandtStudios:

What because you cut? what material? DV / HD ?????
Antwort von PG_05:

So I habs of MiniDV transferred to the PC. And as a project because I PAL widescreen with 48kHz and made better ... yes ... 44 kHz or 41kHz were aufejdenfall mus .. naja 48kHz but not necessarily be the next lower level would then have 32 kHz or so for Choice and the net must be yes.
So whenever the bar down to "create Peakdatei" is passed through, the net takes a long time (I still make par clicks) and then hangs at Adobe. Have no idea why this is. War ne week on travel and aufeinmal does not work that way anymore. But before I'm about verreist ne week before everything went flawlessly. Can not explain it to me.
Antwort von weigandtStudios:

Had synonymous times but aenlihces problem, but it was the material was not well captured. Vllt pobierst dus again on capture .. that was for me the solution!
Antwort von Voltz:

I also run on an error in the source material.
Antwort von PG_05:

Yes many many thanks s.euch ... that was the solution.
Thread can be closed
Antwort von Matthias Kahrs:

Another possibility ...
Virtual Dub 1.8.8. Install (1.3 MB, freeware) and the file, such as AVI easy again as Direct Stream Copy copy. Then save the re-capture.