Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 announced of thomas - 12 Sep 2006 11:44:00 The
GerüchteWie vermutet kann with der Version 3.0 of Premiere Elements nun synonymous HDV -Material bearbeitet werden. Ferner hat sich s.der Benutzeroberfläche and somit synonymous s.Workflow einiges geändert, ein neues Szenenfenster hinzugekommen, in dem die Clips per Drag-and-Drop angeordnet werden können -- with anderen Worten steht somit ein Storyboard zu Verfügung, der Trick-17-Umweg über die Slideshow erübrigt sich. Videomaterial soll nun of "nahezu jedem Gerät" importiert werden können, of HDV - and DVD-Cams über MPEG-4 Videorekordern bis zu Mobiltelefonen. Auch die Export-Funktion wurde überarbeitet, etwa die Erstellung of Flash Video fürs Web oder mobile Geräte.
Die of vielen Hobby-Anwendern vermißte Möglichkeit der Nachvertonung scheint in dieser Version ebenfalls implementiert zu sein, indem "Begleitkommentare" zu einem ablaufenden Video eingesprochen werden können. Auch Trickfilmer kommen auf ihre Kosten: with einer neuen Picture-für-Picture-Recording sind u.s.Stop-Motion Animationen möglich.
Apropos Kosten: Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 wird rund 100 Euro kosten, im Bundle with der ebenfalls neuen Version of Photoshop Elements 5.0 ca. 150 Euro. (Ein Test folgt in Kürze.)
message to the News
Antwort von revold:

Tolle Sache.
Have I understood correctly?
Photoshop EL and EL Permier in one?
Antwort von prem:

yup, you've understood correctly, and this bundle's synonymous has been around since version 1 of PREMEL. But since the dissolution restriction is now gone, the new version is definitely the most rewarding so far ...
Antwort von derda:

Sounds exciting, and here I have already found a first test:
Antwort von prem:
Sounds exciting, and here I have already found a first test: Well, son, the real test is not, rather short ...
Antwort von hamstor1:

Even for a simple amateur video editing program like Premiere Elements 3 now range 3.2 GHz and 1GB of memory but no longer - Elements 2 and 3, at least need a processor with SSE2 instruction set of the new generation. That is shriveled in the minimum requirements. Does not it say: Be careful, running on any Athlon XP-based computer on the planet! At Wikipedia you can see which cores have an SSE2 instruction set and which are not.
Have fun, I wish the video amateurs and beginners looking for the seeds ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Some points are not answered on the Adobe-HP:
1. Scene detection when capturing HDV?
2. Smart rendering for HDV?
3. Can a menu-driven WMVHD-DVD be created?
Antwort von hamstor1:

"Some points are not answered on the Adobe HP ..."
So indeed were in version 1 now synonymous not already answered. The crux of it is yes - the program version 1 is not all bad, but you should have installed 1-2 GB Ram and the normal pull of sound tracks in the Timeline good nerves ....
Oh yes - and yet s.Rande - halt 'nen Pentium PC, not Athlon XP or something. Year and Kernvorraussetungen see Wikipedia and search for "SSE 2" - that is the Allwichtigste. Otherwise s.Version can install nix 2nd Just a typical Adobe ...
So you s.Besten buys like 'nen new calculator, you can synonymous with this great software to work and hope that the next update does not require any SSE 9 of coke Marketingfuzzies.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Sure, we have DV editing hobbyists a Pentium PC with XP (Prof.) and SP2, and SSE2 instruction set, a very long time and to full satisfaction.