Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 Review of thomas - 13 Dec 2007 17:38:00
A small test of the new version of Adobe Elments that a new interface and bring some improvements, such as usBlu-Ray support, Image Stabilization, a new audio mixer and the function of the sound to the Beat video view as well as its own media manager. Unfortunately still does not support AVCHD, the new standard for many high definition consumer camcorder.
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Antwort von Nightfly!:

Moin moin!
My first impression of the demo was not so golden.
Antwort von Jörg Wartenberg:

for me, this is not the standard operating system user interface represents a serious disadvantage! I would really not be in any new application, time in the learning of the user interface plug. Can APE 4.0 synonymous with a Windows-compliant interface to select rules?
The absence of the H.264 export, I can not understand where it is precisely FlashVideo of On2 VP7 on the standard H.264 has been converted. The creation of Flash movies always has been something where APE was ahead of the competition.
For me, remains as an upgrade if you have any reason the Image Stabilization, but so much money to spend? How good is the comparison of free Deshaker Gunnar Thalin? With the results so far, I was always happy, synonymous here if the handling might be a bit easier.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Aviduser:

Why because more articles on these premiere Kinderkram? AVID is the industry standard and there is Final Cut Pro. Point.
Mention should be that it is beneficial for both beginners Proggis variants exist, for even an avid student of ultra-efficient version. The notes are priced nothing. Premiere has always been amateur standard, bloated, lernintensiv and resource-consuming. It is bad ... at least in comparison with the two industry standards. At least if one with a short documentary film or a slot ergattert, will go to the swearing coming, because the engineers at the broadcasters want to abide by certain standards. In Final Cut Pro and AVID, they can help with Premiere not. If already a good price for the amateur program then Magix. This can be a lot, it costs next to nothing and it's quickly clear. Premiere connects for me, however, the disadvantages of all worlds.
Antwort von sh20:

Magix better than Adobe?
Forget it! 27 patches without running Magix while many, but never
that what is currently needed. Such a required function is still in beta stage, despite großkotziger advertising exactly that!
Since versions should give it smart rendering, since it can run versions times
yes and no again ... But never predictable ...
Also on this site are not only "industry standards"
discussed, but the rest of synonymous video universe ...
Everything is a matter of budgets ...
This article, incidentally Überschirften have so you do not
're forced to read more, if not to "industry standards" is!