Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 extended to SonyXDCAM EX Support of thomas - 15 Apr 2008 15:16:00 Neuests Update for Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 adds native support for Sony XDCAM EX camera format. This makes it possible, with material SonyXDCAM EX in Premiere directly without transcoding or Rewrapping to work (as it has an update in September synonymous with P2 video works), which accelerates the entire workflow. The meta data are maintained through the whole process. The auto update is done online for all PC / Mac Adobe Premiere CS3 users.
Adobe has announced an industry-wide initiative to start an open format for digital movies to be developed. In collaboration with camera manufacturers such as Arri, Panavision, Silicon Imaging and software houses and forges, the codec CinemaDNG called publicly documented format to be defined. Thus, the interoperability of film data between different hardware and software systems to ensure, to the progressive spread of digital movies by compatibility issues at risk.
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Antwort von geid0r:

Now the only thing left is missing the support for the JVC ProHD cameras and the whole thing is perfect!
Antwort von der henne:

I hope Adobe has finally synonymous to a little bug. Here on the Mac, especially the Adobe Media Encoder a disaster. If I use my DV files into MPEG2 convert to only the "Beach Ball of Death" and the program depends on. Somehow weak when you consider that Premiere CS3 is now synonymous already a 3 / 4 years out is ...