Frage von Peter1717:
> Thank you
I have a big problem with the software companies and the like when I stumble upon granite.
Caution is Lot!
I> one of the directors of the Billiard Association'm BC8-ball in Neckarsulm, and we plan to s.dieser season of organized tournaments us
> Stream live via the Internet and put the pictures on the same time
> Beamers and see at this show included.
> All this still is not a problem in the world of computers and
> Of image processing, but now it's coming.
> It is our goal, because we one of the biggest tournaments in Germany
> Snap And also still the last qualifying tournament for the
> German Championship, this new medium in our sport
> Is to provide a professional and not with the pitiful attempts
> Our club colleagues in other cities to draw the same.
> Is there a software solution on the market with one or more
> Live pictures, with a title fade can be provided
> (Score, name of player), possibly banners could be placed
> (Sponsors), but still a live image to save, send and (Beamer would allow)??
> As you know, some software will only run with certain hardware
> And we want to buy anything for free, we would be on a solution
> This issue very happy.
We've already tried with a video mixer and with a text generator, but the result is not exactly been exhilarating.
Even the variant with one Stillimage on a second track to fade in the game was not the renner.
A pure software solution that looks to the future, would be optimal but it seems to give nothing on the market with the big boys in the industry.
> At this point, I must point out that we have a club
> Are, and follow not have the means for the 3000-4000 euro
> To make purchases. It should keep itself somewhat in the frame.
Who else could make a useful proposal and make a recommendation with which we can kill this problem??
Request for proposals because we do not know next.
Thank your Peter
Antwort von steveb:

hmmm ... try to look at the "pragmatic way to give" assistance.
The first thing I would look for a video mixer that allows two video sources represent übereinnander bed. The overall picture then share that therefore "above" a source is presented and "down" one.
Perhaps this mixer, or similar would be suitable for?
In general, would then in this case, two PC's are in turn the graphics and Articles are available. Ideally, the mixer should be able to display a background color to transparent (I know that something like this synonymous "affordable prints") and a source would be the live camera. A reasonably good mixer synonymous provides additional video outputs, as necessary, "Acceptance" for the playbacks are needed (projector, stream, etc.)
So (imho) would be the search for a suitable external video mixer with above skills, a solution.
Antwort von Peter1717:

Hi Stefan,
I've seen the video mixer and would put the proposal this week to colleagues.
I modestly admit that it has disclosed.
Gruß Peter
Antwort von snobbys:

Hi all, Hy Peter.
I may try one in the association of the whole.
The video mixer that can be demanded, (Picture sharing) we have and the synonymous work. Show The thing with the PC of the required second signal (Flash of scores banner advertising) will indeed be a simple thing, but unfortunately somewhat impractical. We do not have a lot of space now and already need a PC to the tournament director and one for the transfer of our tournament schedules on the display wall and to record the image of the camera. If we now provide a third of the PC was only the second signal will take, we even have a space problem and secondly, we have no third synonymous PC.
The entire hardware can be synonymous with the zusammengewurschtelten only be an interim solution. In the long run is seen as only one PCI card with a reasonable software in question.
Norbert Schaefer
Antwort von megalutzi:

So I do not know any software that can do anything on a normal PC (except, perhaps, self-written).
Not sufficient for you, VJ software? Could perhaps rich (a camera and the graphics and Articles) can be admixed. Only encode may not usually. To do this, then it would need a 2nd PC (or laptop - are smaller).
Otherwise you just look at times of the SonyAnycast. The true costs ¬ 17,000, but can mix, graphics, titles, encode and stream, and everything in laptop form.
Antwort von steveb:
Hi all, Hy Peter.
I may try one in the association of the whole.
The video mixer that can be demanded, (Picture sharing) we have and the synonymous work. Show The thing with the PC of the required second signal (Flash of scores banner advertising) will indeed be a simple thing, but unfortunately somewhat impractical. We do not have a lot of space now and already need a PC to the tournament director and one for the transfer of our tournament schedules on the display wall and to record the image of the camera. If we now provide a third of the PC was only the second signal will take, we even have a space problem and secondly, we have no third synonymous PC.
The entire hardware can be synonymous with the zusammengewurschtelten only be an interim solution. In the long run is seen as only one PCI card with a reasonable software in question.
Norbert Schaefer Unfortunately, it is precisely these applications, which should lead to optimal solution always cost "to get tons of money" ... raise well, another PC, but determined to be feasible. especially if only a few of these would have to create graphics or texts. It smells like a laptop :-) Or you use two computer with a monitor and mouse via "Switch Over". Then you only a device to ask under the table.
And please try everything once before "dry" ...