Frage von scrooge:
Salü together
I previously worked with Pinnacle Commotion. Granted, quite old but the part I have some great tools on hold. Now I think but s.einen change to After Effects and have to ask the question:
For me, the moment max. AE CS4 in question because I currently not the operating system will switch to 64bit. Now I'd like to know whether the following features, which I appreciate very much synonymous s.Commotion Pro in AE include this or similar. The manual has not satisfactorily answered in part:
1st Keying
Commotion Primatte Keyer Pro contains the 1.5. The special was it for me always that I could drag the mouse over any areas of the background (eg, the various "blues" of the blue screen) and auto, all colors under the mouse still attributed to the background. The same was reversed with the foreground objects / individuals.
2nd Light Wrap
If a person has been released, then you can use tools such as Mat Feather. That is synonymous in AE. But there is also the possibility of concussion, the unsuccessful level as "source" for the exempted performers to use. Thus, virtually the mask edge of the back "lit" - with adjustable intensity. The effect is great. Is there such a thing in AE?
3rd Rotoscoping
... Was the showpiece of Commotion. I know that there now has Mocha AE CS5. But how are your experiences with the Roto-Tools of AE CS4 to?
4th Knoll Light Factory
... Is in an early version in Commotion it. Because what's similar in AE on board?
Oops, now become rather long. Nevertheless, even the additional question: If I mainly work with the above tools, then I am now served up with AE CS4's better anyway?
Antwort von jwd96:

1st Of course there are keying. Keylight, Color Key, Luminance Key ... are included in After Effects
2nd I do not quite understand what you mean. But it is very likely that it is possible, because AE is a versatile program. There is always a way.
3rd In de CS
5, there is a Roto-Brush, who takes over the auto rotoscoping. That is not in the CS4. But then there are of course the good old tool masks!
4.Es is a simple lens flare effect, but if you want something ordendliches, then take optical flares.