Frage von iTüpfelchen:
I have again an important issue regarding After Effects CS2.
It is about the rendering!
I have a lot of individual scenes, already cut in front of me.
Now I invite for a major scene, the individual parts together and now wants the video rendering.
I know but do not what setting I should take.
As a codec, I suppose "ffdshow video codec".
But no preference which format I RESTRICT, see the videos as a final result like this:
Video starts, sound is repeated continuously and extremely noisy.
What can I do to make the sound?
Vll. it helps that I can only adjust 16Bit, 32 is gray disabled.
*. Avi format should be with ffdshow video codec.
What can I do?
Antwort von frm:

Export it out with AE unkompremiert codec or DV AVI and look what he does. Perhaps make your codec hassle.
Antwort von iTüpfelchen:

Have it now unkomprensiert tried not synonymous worked extremely rough loud noise in the video.
Uninstalled all codecs and then re-installed -> Klappt not synonymous.
What should I tune?
I'm really s.Ende if I had not until Friday.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

" Question?
"Noise" - from the sound or picture her now?
Why does it need to "ffdshow video codec available, the video? And what is it about ;-)
You render progressive or interlaced material?
Ne solls DVD, a Webclip?
What is the `Music / Sound before?
.................................................. ................
Noise - Sound
For full sound at times - 10dB set.
Couple more and then we get the maybe out until Friday.
B. DeKid
Antwort von iTüpfelchen:

"Noise" - from the sound or picture her now? "
From the sound coming from.
"Why does it need to" ffdshow video codec available, the video? "
Well, for me is holding the most modest space ;-)
"You render progressive or interlaced material?"
How can I find out?
"Should not be DVD, a Webclip?"
"What is the` Music / sound before? "
The video was taken by DV Camera.
Of course, were synonymous a few non-film-scenes indoors, so I cut everything Drehbuchmässig with VirtualDub (What super fine) and now had about 20 scenes.
The had all beabeitet be so sound in the background (songs), which is not synonymous problem.
Only the Endgergebniss, after rendering: Only rush, and the sound comes from.
Here's a sample:
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The sound is in settings of the project?
Because so NEN Noise ?????
Something überfragt sounds not everyday rush, - / Sorry.
And certainly has nothing to do with MPEG4 or MPEG2 or avi.
B. DeKid
Antwort von tommyb:

Can it be that your material has two soundtracks? One has a noise on it, the other has the speech of the lady?
Can it be that the noise only occurs in the areas in which effects did you? Or rather the reverse? Did you somehow built a clip s.diesen bodies NOISE has a sound?
If I hear your sample, then I sometimes clear sound and s.bestimmten agencies do not. Maybe you should see you sometime your project in detail.
To export:
ffdshow video codec is not a real codec s.sich but rather a general user interface for many other codecs.
I would rather recommend to you - if the quick export for a preview go - your material as DivX / XviD to export.
For a DVD, you should then be more likely to render out as MPEG2.
Antwort von TiMovie:

So just for info - AE is in the true sense, a compositing program - export your movie but with the material like animations and add your codec ton? in a schnitttprogramm back together! I would not come to live with AE as with his schnittprog. to work - as I said AI is a pure program effect - for me, because a ton little lost! I have often eintruck that one or the other AE confused with a program?
So - it's already very late - in this sense - good night!
Antwort von iTüpfelchen:

Hui, is complicated.
Well, then do I stop the sound extra.
Is there an appropriate vll. program?
Oh, and because of the soundtrack:
There is only one, but here:
zum Bild For audio channels are Left, Right and Stereo.