Frage von Blackeagle123:
have After Effects. Use the version of CS3. If I were to color the Trapcode Particular Effect lege and then put on a mask, the mask is not properly recognized.
This means you see no difference, no preference whether the mask is enabled or not. Why? Can it be that it s.einer outdated Trapcode plug-in version is?
Or do you have similar problems?
Can it s.einem After Effects error lie? (Possibly installed incorrectly?)
I have the 1.0.0 version of Trapcode Particular. Are known problems? Know this problem s.anderen not cut square. Here I am working with a different AE version, but possibly synonymous Particular a different version (?)
Thanks in advance!
Many greetings,
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Just try the Composition with the Trapode Particular effect to a new composition to pack and there only apply the mask.
Or ...
Precompose turning on your Trapcode composition s.and then the mask.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Thank you very much! Good solution ... However, only a stopgap measure: (Or else it is so synonymous? I assume that a defect is present, right?
Or is it s.AE / Trapcode version?
Many greetings,
Antwort von Debonnaire:

If there is no "last resort", but simply a completely standard approach in AE, when it comes to complicated Effects / Plug-ins to each other (although this is possibly by the inventor of the effect / Plugs was not foreseen)! This is exactly why it DOES Precompose nesting and yes!
Antwort von Mylenium:
I assume that a defect is present, right? More defects: After Effects is a writing program in which the text editing functions are only for fun after all the other menus are hidden. :-D Sorry, you are wrong you, has always been so. Render the sequence of masks and 3D effects has its meaning ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

okay. I was convinced that I am on the color can create a mask and then by the Trapcode Particular effect is detected. In any case (so I thought), I've done so far.
But maybe I will actually use a different composition.
Thank you! =)
Many greetings,
PS: I see myself editing system s.anderen it all again in peace, if there directly with the mask is, do I sign up again.