Frage von Trolleule:
I just try me with scripting in After Effects, or with expressions. I got myself a simple text erstellelt "This is a normal text and the typewriter effect from the text presets applied.
Now I want to with their respective letters, the AE car playing a wave file that I import as footage: "space.wav"
I know me more or less well with C + +, php and javascript, and thought to myself, so I first read the length of the text from the index and I will increment each played the wav, all just a theory so far virtually rumprobiert a bit, imagine The question now is this possible?
Antwort von Mylenium:

Time remapping + valueAtTime (;). Since AE but no sound program, which is relatively sinnfrei - Wah-wah and pitch shift Guaranteed!
Antwort von Trolleule:

but not let the command with which I play the wav file into the timeline or the Place, I'll save me the manual platzierne in the timeline and the algorithm is carried out by the synonymous?
Thank you!
Antwort von Mylenium:
but these are not a command with which I found the wav file into the timeline or the Place enacted, Hoh? Of course they are if you das gotoAndPlay (;) are looking for, then more likely to Flash or Director .... Nich be angry, but it would help if you're times when reindenken how AE works at all now rather easy Vorhgehensweisen from other programs to copy. But is now completely not care whether the files are appropriately placed on the timeline or by expressiongesteuertem Time Rampping simply played just the right time, right? And if you really need's place, then you'll just have with'ner combo from Expressions and script work, is quite possible ...
Antwort von Trolleule:

I really do not understand, I rather prefer the wav 25x manual on the timeline would like to make the car. Time Remap changed but only the duration is not it?
... whether the files are appropriately placed on the timeline or by expressiongesteuertem Time Rampping simply played only at the right time ... not if it comes to what I need to place the wav in the timeline - good - but how can I make wav 25x over expression? you could give me an example or syntax, please?
Antwort von Mylenium:
not if it comes to what I need to place the wav in the timeline - good - but how can I make wav 25x over expression? you could give me an example or syntax, please? Well, for simple playback of the clip just need the current time and sets them again and again to the initial value of zero, where your clip starts now real. Your movement of the letters you holste normal on Boole and appropriate Thresholds, see here: simply replace the audio through your level maxima in the position of animator. Quite conventionally, or check equal to the keyframes. If you have this, then isses einfach nur noch
thisProperty.valueAtTime (; time-event time), where the same
event time comes out of your triggers. Sense of the whole exercise: time imemr set to zero, but then runs next to play the sound synonymous. And as I said, all's on time remapping. Order to avoid any problems with staccato notes from the road, stop at least two or maybe have 3 identical soundtracks and then by n% x every 2nd or 3 Assigning event or ebn for each event trace and then eventID = index ....
Antwort von Trolleule:

first of all: I do not want the movement s.The wav adapt, as shown in the example, but the wav s.The movement.
Well, for simple playback of the clip just need the current time and sets them again and again to the initial value of zero, where your clip starts now real. ie I need the wav only 1x in the timeline, it is played and the time of the level is reset to zero? good, but when I write purely the code? "Source" (; text.sourceText () or the beginning; text.animator (; "Animator 1"). selector (; "area selection 1"). start)
Your movement of the letters you holste normal on Boole and appropriate Thresholds, see here: simply replace the audio through your level maxima in the position of animator. I have another way: Schreibamschineneffekt the text presets.
Quite conventionally, or check equal to the keyframes. If you have this, then isses einfach nur noch thisProperty.valueAtTime (; time-event time), where the same event time comes out of your triggers. I do have only two keyframes.
Antwort von Mylenium:

- Expressions always geghören in the property that they should change. In your case, the Time Remap.
- Other properties are simply picked up on the hierarchy.
thisComp.layer (; "XYZ"). text.animator (; "XYZ"). property.rotation
This now looks like wiring and what parameters you need depends on the specific case.
- It does not matter whether the properties themselves are now animated by keyframes or expressions. The threshold was nur'n with the proposal. For even a typewriter would be a simple approach impractical - (adjust the corresponding animators in the text layer of index percent, under Advanced), then each would have snapped the index 'a thing or Dong. These are precisely the times that
valueAtTime (;) needs.
Antwort von Trolleule:

Antwort von Trolleule:

Hi, can you tell me next, I just help out not by war: /
I did not come easily to the programmable logic kla, have arrived s.dem point:
t = thisComp.layer (; "This is a normal text"). text.animator (; "Animator 1"). selector (; "area selection 1"). start
if (, t == 9.0) (
thisProperty.valueAtTime (; time +0)
I first try to play the wav at the time of a changing value, so if the top has reached 9.0, wav and play back for example at 10.0, would be very nice if you could help me on the jumps.