Frage von Khalil:
hab nix in the search, therefore, found "new topic".
So, since I of XP to Vista (home prem) I changed, nothing longer what it used to ..... Cinema 4d in German only runs with Run as Admin .. Photoshop synonymous spins around and now this!
After Effects does not show any more in English interface. Even if I ://..../ C Languages / Adobe After Effects Click E does not work that way and when I said the shortcut run as admin synonymous nothing happened ..... it was always super hab my XP 10 times AE newly set up and installed no problems just now .... Please help me as I finish with the Germans do not come clear.
Many thanks in advance!
Antwort von Khalil:

9 Views (-I) and no reply: (
Antwort von Debonnaire:

The Target box of the program calling Windows shortcut as follows:
For AE in German:
"Pfad_Zum_EXE \ AfterFX.exe"-L EN
For AE in English:
"Pfad_Zum_EXE \ AfterFX.exe"-L EN
Antwort von Khalil:

"C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe After Effects CS3 \ Support Files \ AfterFX.exe"-L EN
does not work (it was already there)
here and a screenshot that looks like .... maybe help the next
Because it's German and English both funny .... oO (I hate VISTA !!!!)
But thank you:)
Antwort von Mylenium:

Oooh yeah, baby! ;-) In what language do you have AE installed? Some components have the silly habit, unfortunately, still in German to be when the installer on a German system is running. Did you already other Adobe programs on it (Adobe Reader, Photoshop, whatever ...)? Can not really say much. On my MacBook Pro running CS3 under Vista Ultimate easily in English, the language wars, I just salad with AE 7 (but that is "s.designed"). Can you try, with the quick switch the language settings for the system in English umzustöpseln? Maybe yes, at least the first time as a workaround ...
Antwort von Khalil:

Yes drauf hab Photoshop and Flash dreamwaver and uh but I use all synonymous in GERMAN ... I always just s.nutze in English .... the changeover is difficult for me because the filter / Effects differently or even hot otherwise are
as it was with the switch of the language do you speak the Windows?
Antwort von Mylenium:

as it was with the switch of the language do you speak the Windows? Yepp, exactly. ;-)
Antwort von Khalil:

: ( "That does not work want"
it is not man man man: (
Antwort von Mylenium:

Mmh, which is silly. Unfortunately, because you can not help much - it> should be <in any case. Probably because somewhere in the background but still a resource conflict when system files are locked or return the wrong values. Just call the boys and girls from the support. Installation problems are sometimes free of charge and know what the internal, which is nowhere in the public knowledgebase stands.
Antwort von Khalil:

hm anyone a good answer / Help
: (
Antwort von Jake the rake:

What said because of the support?
Antwort von Khalil:
What said because of the support? Windows Support Hotline about 3 euros per min after 10 min wait and 5 min of silence Supporters of the sites was the answer: Just call Adobe and explain where the problem is perhaps the language file broken.
NO it is not because I have 20,000 times ding neuinstall. 've made exactly that of this CD or external HDD!
Antwort von the9ismine:

Have exactly the same problem. Also new Vista users. In Xp it always works with the Language_Ordner.
Komme with the German version is simply not clear.
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