Frage von ironvillage:
hallo specialists
as we have seen most of it is so? HD material converted after dv
usually yields a poorer quality than directly dv rotated.
how do you get the best result if you shot in full HD
Material in DV will compress?
maybe there's trick 15 is because a quality venünftige
on the row to get.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
hallo specialists
as we have seen most of it is so? HD material converted after dv
usually a poorer quality yields, ....... ? Are you sure that you not confuse anything?
Antwort von dän:
hallo specialists
as we have seen most of it is so? HD material converted after dv
usually yields a poorer quality than directly dv rotated.
how do you get the best result if you shot in full HD
Material in DV will compress?
maybe there's trick 15 is because a quality venünftige
on the row to get. ? I understand 'only one thing: Trick
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

What B.deKid says, is that if you, as even described in HD DV runterrechnest, the quality is always better than when you directly into DV aufnimmst.
Antwort von PowerMac:

1) It is calculated in uncompressed HD and SD Down in DV.
2) Is HD better than DV in DV film.
3) To Down numeracy, there are x workflows and methods. (MPEG Streamclip, Resizer, AE method, right in the editing program, etc.). Google helps!
Antwort von weitwinkel:

zb. Of bruno peter:
gruß cj
Antwort von ironvillage:

hello sorry I'm only now back again
yes I mean SD
yes and thank you for your effort
Thanks again