Frage von snoopyonline78:
Hello s.das Whole forum!
This is my first trade! I'm in sachen After Effects a newbie, and want to learn more about this fantastic program to know, so I hope for your help!
I have 2 weeks prior to trouble compositions as Avi file with Divx codec exported. Since 2 days it's not anymore.
I Export as divx with the default settings and get no error message. Only the file is 1 n.gross and can not be opened.
someone knows why this is so?
I have again the synonymous Divx pack downloaded and reinstalled, but bring nothing :-(
for help, I would be very grateful.
Antwort von Mylenium:

No idea, but DivX is generally bad. AE can not read properly and not synonymous compress really well .... Could not more than try, deien Presets (C: / Documents and Settings / Snoopy / Application Data / Adobe / After Effects/8.0) to delete. Sometimes the verratzt's. otherwise has stop somewhere s.deinen Windows Media settings what changed, but what, white Santa Claus ...
Antwort von snoopyonline78:

Unfortunately, nothing ... but thank you.
how can I export something, without it immediately has 100 MB?
my sequence is 10 seconds in the resolution 1024x768
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Let it calm in the highest quality output (export) and then render it to Divx (XVID Sure, although I recommend)
Think the PROGIS like VirtualDub and / or supercomputers are better here than to use AFX.
B. DeKid