Frage von Misanthropoet:
In this little movie is an experimental film, the single evening s.einem conceived, rotated and cut. As a very "inspired" served Articles of Kafka and the "Andalusian dog" of Dali.
Now I have so far of the people I know only heard about good and s.unabhängigen am interested in opinions about this.
The gaanze was with a cheap camcorder and just what the "so rumlag" rotated, so technically not expect too much ...
Get the link
Antwort von Axel:

A misanthrope, you are not, you're just too sensitive for our coarse hypocritical society, like all rehäugigen young romantics, like the Velvet Underground. Beautiful would be if you have a proper state of mind this would work. With this film you will not succeed. Consent to find out even just sympathy, because all you do not want to make trouble. The mood of the film comes to the music, the images themselves are arbitrary. And poetry is no other word for anything.
Kafka and Buñuel is not
defined on the form, but they use the form to a content to be transported. Push yourself, but allow an access.
Antwort von robbie:

The video is in my country is not available.
Schade. Had me interested in what rauskommt if you are inspired by the Andalusian dog leaves.
PS: I do not live in china or somewhere else s.ende of the world ...
Antwort von Misanthropoet:

Hey, thanks for the statement and viewing.
Why it does not appear robbie, I do not understand.
Only my psychological assessment is not quite so true, what other projects s.meinen looks rather synonymous, but that is exactly what with the film wanted to express why I am still pleased;)
Many greetings
Antwort von robbie:

I think that you need to change as the uploader. You're probably in Germany or so set ....
Antwort von Debonnaire:

For some reason I can film from Switzerland does not consider. YouTube says that he "in my country is not accessible" is? Can you upload it again, in a "neutral" form, please?
Short question: How can I link here Slashcam something that is not the link itself is shown, but any link text? I knew something, but it is I can not remember.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... How can I link here Slashcam something that is not the link itself is shown, but any link text ... Just click on the first post of this thread to "cite", then you'll see's.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
... How can I link here Slashcam something that is not the link itself is shown, but any link text ...
Just click on the first post of this thread to "cite", then you'll see's. And what does "cite" with "link" to do? - I'm talking for example, the linked film of the thread-starter! There is no LINK to the actual (ie, inserted via the
"URL" function in the editor here), but the link text, then behind the link is triggered! - Also: How to do it?
Antwort von KrischanDO:

the sight of moderately trained peripubertärer upper body, a bit Kafkaesque Trauriggucken and a technical look, me s.meine PE monochrome prints 30 years ago, remember when I still could not - all this makes me not backward on the back.
Probably I am too old for something.
Plug 'it into the "Even a genius has a right to attempt"-tray.
PS: The title font is something Celtic-Irish-folksy - which did not fit the rest
Antwort von JMS Productions:
And what does "cite" with "link" to do? Well, you've been right. Citing link directly with has nothing to do. Bernd.E has yet law. Would you contribute to the starter of the topic to "cite" it, did you read exactly how he Youtube link in the text has displayed.
So: How to do it? I can you now only have a screenshot to show it because if I describe here how to do that, then yes, in my description of itself a link, which you will not be much help. Therefore, the Zitierfunktion how they Bernd.E mentioned, s.Besten suitable.
Well that's how it was. Here is the screenshot of the Left:
(See Picture)
PS: And s.alle those problems with the Youtube video have: Easy to switch to English Language. If at the moment eh s.Besten yet, because the only way you get the Extra Large HD monitor (on the whole screen goes) out ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Ah, thank you for the help! Now I synonymous, as the Bernd.E meant! I apologize, not geschnallt habs! Ists clearly now! :-)
Antwort von Debonnaire:
PS: And s.alle those problems with the Youtube video have: Easy to switch to English Language. If at the moment eh s.Besten yet, because the only way you get the Extra Large HD monitor (on the whole screen goes) out ... OK, today I was not my day ... - I put the language at the top left on YouTube for English, but this is me still no video out! How mans get out?
Antwort von JMS Productions:
I put the language at the top left on YouTube for English, but this is me still no video out! How mans get out? Still not? Hmm ... Try synonymous times from other countries (for me it is synonymous, for example, when I click on "worldwide or worldwide" click.) Switzerland. Austria, or at Youtube, you can not choose, but only German - Germany, because for me the Vid but below Germany and German-run, as synonymous with other countries, can not exclude that a problem with your PC or your Youtubeeinstellungen exists . If you're logged on Youtube, and possibly time off as an anonymous visitor to the video download. Perhaps running it? Also try other browsers times.
So now I have everything written down, what about me in response. More synonymous, I can not tell you, sorry:)
OK, today I was not my day ... I do not synonymous. 'm Only at 5 come into bed. Well, the same procedure s.every year ... " :)
Antwort von robbie:

na, then it seems that a clear discrimination of the Swiss and Austrians to be. language switch uses nothing, and I'm logged soandso not there ...
Now I'll try using a U.S. proxy in ... or one from Kazakhstan ...
edit: does not synonymous. doof.
Antwort von DWUA:

Yes, such experiments as "... one evening s.einem conceived,
rotated and cut ...", are important.
What Axel with "arbitrariness" probably means is that your images exactly
so well selected Articles of
Camus to
Benn (as an "inspiration") or to
Albinoni Music of
Pink Floyd also could be consistent.
Quite a title match synonymous as "Pithecanthropus Erectus"
Charles Mingus. Wide margin flat, which is good.
In any event, there were already here with a lot more effort made
Clips that your "simple" does not reach.
Would be interesting to know why this
youtube in AUT / CH does not work ...