Frage von railmaster:
Hello folks!
Have a Date with nem PanasonicCamcorder MiniDVD failed in its finalization of the camera is. Drives in meim Calculator does not recognize the disc and the camcorder are synonymous, the message "disc is not formatted. Reformat now.
Is there a way to read the disc anyway?
Thanks for your help
Antwort von Dongball:

Do you have a DVD Burner in your computer?
This can be read as a rule, the DVD is not finalized. But may be synonymous to even your DVD Burner has problems with the media. As might help capture the views over a burner of a different Manufacturer.
Normal DVD drives have as watering hole for many problems with it.
Is it a wiederbeschreibare DVD? If not then the option of formatting your CD should not make unreadable as before, the data of a once-writable disc can no longer be deleted.
Antwort von railmaster:

The disc has been inserted into 3 various agencies DVD burners. In none is detected. This is when the disc is a DVD-RW, 1.4 GB.
Antwort von harryhirschi:

sounds as if the broken rohling ...
Antwort von railmaster:

But what opportunities there are to read the disc yet? with some recovery-tools, perhaps?
Antwort von harryhirschi:
But what opportunities there are to read the disc yet? with some recovery-tools, perhaps? as described above, you can try a copy of which must be supplied.
or: you have someone with linux in your near, the n s.seinem burner system?
Antwort von Dongball:

Sowas goes Maybe, but I imagine that rather difficult because just before the CD drive deni not even recognize them. (Or what do you eg your burning program about the inserted disc??)
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