Frage von gang-himself:
Hi folks,
'm on the search does not find the (white is not really synonymous, according to what I should look for ...)
I need to animate a text so that it looks like a light font looks in Las Vegas, so with all sorts of animated text effects, drumrum a moving frame, etc. .. (Allerdigs all a bit old-fashioned)
Also available are Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator (CS3 Production Premium), and Final Cut Xpress with LiveType.
Especially moving was the framework, I totally stand on the hose ...
An idea for the script was how they made light bulbs to build ...
There are a total of only two synonymous words, not many characters if character should be handmade ...
Thanks for your help, tips, etc. ..
Antwort von tommyb:

I would be as s.Neon hold tubes.
That means you have a wire in the middle of, for example in the color pink.
This one puts on a layer and duplicated it.
The plane is the bottom, then I would put BLUR. Thus, I already have a glow.
Now only the wire in the plane that is as transparent to make it visible and ready for the sign.
Antwort von gang-himself:

Sounds good ... sometimes
But the context was explicitly drumrum desired. That should irdeng something like a light ...
Antwort von Jörg:

because thou hast AE on hand, there an effect exactly synonymous with the name "Vegas" is available, you should have no problems so that a mask to it. Ne thing is minutes.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von gang-himself:

I look at me. Thank you.
Antwort von gang-himself:

Hey thank you, the Vegas tip with (as inconspicuously ;-)) was good.
Someone knows how I get a word in a font can write, so it looks like light bulbs? So, almost 10 light bulbs produce a letter or something?
Antwort von Markus:
Someone knows how I get a word in a font can write, so it looks like light bulbs? Perhaps this can be achieved with a script, like the
Dot Matrix
Or you create characters you need directly yourself? A possible idea to find template