Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Apple Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 Update of heidi - 12 Sep 2006 15:20:00 Although have before us no press release, according to information from the web Apple has announced at IBC 2006 a minor update for Final Cut Pro. The 5.1.2 update is a mark of compatibility - alongside some of the Motion FxPlug filters synonymous with this update, more HD (V be) supported format, such as SonyXDCAM HD with 18 and 35 Mbp / s, 720/25p of Panasonic P2 Canon HDV 1080p 24/25 and 720 24/25p JVC HDV. The update will be available in about a month.
Antwort von Aschi:

is there really something synonymous screwed so is the quality is not just the hammer, especially in mpeg II
Antwort von Axel:

Old news.