Frage von ksr:
can someone tell me how I export / convert, so that the new Youtube player s.keinem edge black bars to stay?
I have a DV-avi to 4:3 before. It should be easily trimmed to 16:9 (! Not squashed!) Will be - but it never fills perfectly the player synonymous and I have the feeling that what with the Rechteck-/Quadratpixeln not true.
Know me in principle with Encoding and Authoring fairly good (vsdv-avi and DVD authoring), but somehow not really want to succeed ...
And many codecs do not allow any Resolutions to ...
For each tip grateful
(Existing Software: Premiere 6, TMPGEnc, VirtualDub)
Antwort von n4pster:

Video cut to 16:9,
Aspect ratio of 16:9 to choose
16:9 resolution (s.besten 1280 * 720 in order with "& fmt = 22" in the enjoyment of youtube-HD to come)
in the NTSC format as Avi render (up to 1 GB of video size).
If you just as your 4:3 video 16:9 video render without a picture do you get it well defined anamorphic any vehicle which is not clearly Youtube: S
I'm a layman in the field of video editing but so würd ich's machen.
Antwort von videomensch:
in the NTSC format as Avi render In Germany we have PAL, not NTSC.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes, we in Germany PAL
Clips on Youtube, but as an NSTC stored.
But you can upload synonymous PAL.
Antwort von n4pster:
Yes, we in Germany PAL
Clips on Youtube, but as an NSTC stored.
But you can upload synonymous PAL.
b.DeKid I had often problems with jerky video on youtube, if I am in PAL format uploaded. Since the security only NTSC:)
in the NTSC format as Avi render
In Germany we have PAL, not NTSC. That is why I mention it's extra-_-'