Frage von Untier:Hi, my Vegas refuses to use permanently mp3 audio codecs. I downloaded my new Lame codec, and with v-dub it works fine when I try to use it with vegas when he says render
s.error occurred while creating the media test.avi
s.error occurred while opening a codec
at the moment I have no possibilities to compress audio to irgentwie with vegas. Jemand ne gute idee what it be / could I do?
Thank you in advance =)
Antwort von Marco:
"at the moment I have no possibilities to compress audio to irgentwie with vegas." What exactly do you mean?
Antwort von Schewardnadse:
He all the other codecs that I download not even show. He has only these matters standart windows, but they uncomprimiert etweder are totally or extremely poor quality, or those of the mp3 codec does not work.
Antwort von Marco:
Simply use the built-in MP3 codec of Sony. The handling is very good and easy to use.
Antwort von Schewardnadse:
As I said, which I can not use it because he told me to not even show
Antwort von Marco:
The Sony's proprietary MP3 codec is not displayed??
Then something with the registry of Vegas right, or the MP3 plugin does not.
You have the software so legally licensed and registered, right?
Antwort von wolfgang:
Well, what now probably as a response?
Antwort von Gast1:
Anyway, guess what Marco and "The Man from the Mountains": I would remove the time trial basis Lame. The told me twice already made life difficult and I've read in other forums already synonymous, that the times had conflicts can cause.