Frage von werbun:![](
I now have Magix Video deluxe 2008 per purchased and search all the time after a function in which I am on the final DVD Multiple Ausiospuren to a video miteinbinden can. So 5.1 and 2.1 for Choice ...?
How does it work? Does the überhaupot or should I just the movie 2 times (once 2.1) and even 5.1 on the DVD is done?
MFG Fabian
Antwort von nobby:
I'm looking for a similar notice, namely how to make an audio track, which together with a video was taken of this (video) disconnect (delete) and any other video sequence can match.
In the manual so far I could find nothing suitable.
Git's this, a "qualified" answer?
Antwort von Gast 0815:
@ Guest,
2 soundtracks with VDL does not ...
@ Nobby,
within a film: desired by area, audio / video disconnect (open symbol chain = Ctrl + M), then separately sound move, delete, etc., where appropriate, again with video link (chain, Ctrl + L)
For a full movie: Menu File-> Export movie-> audio as wave
Hoffe mal, it was meant.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Nobby:
Hello guest from Marburg.
Thank you for your tip.
Have just tried something and it seems to work.
Be my soon to deal with intense, currently a lack of time.
I have a similar question once a long time ago
asked in the forum, but got unqualified answers back.
So: thank you very much standard.
(only bebenbei: Have a long time ago in Marburg my "BASIC" enjoyed).