Frage von hans.l.:Hello,
I wanted to Frege times whether free audio editing program there.
I had gehoft there is something in the art of easy cut, adobe audition, which is not so expensive.
I hope someone can help me
Antwort von Eva Maier:
/ E
Antwort von fleischregen:
thanks, but if I get my t-bone em9600 s.den PC, be it via line-in or microphone input, is the ton viiieeel too quiet, even if I have all controllers fully upward pull hardly what one hears.
Antwort von Cutaway:
you buy an external USB sound card (20 euros), which has a gain of 20 db.
thanks, but if I get my t-bone em9600 s.den PC, be it via line-in or microphone input, is the ton viiieeel too quiet, even if I have all controllers fully upward pull hardly what one hears.
Antwort von schingge:
you mean if I have, for example, this part of the sound hole is much louder?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
when I get my t-bone em9600 s.den PC is too quiet viiieeel ton The same Microphone delivers with me on the microphone input of the computer and then recorded with Audacity flawless images in the correct volume. In principle it works without any additional equipment.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von schingge:
So I have my 9600 em via the CAE camera cable, xlr to jack, which I also bought at thomann s.den rear microphone port of my pc's packed .. I will try the front auhc ma
Antwort von Axel:
Proven alternatives for many situations:
Built-in mic (+++)
Soundcard in-or external (+++)
mixer on
line in (++++)
(+++++) USB mixer
mic in a ext. (via Firewire) (+++)
What is the advantage of a
mixer to the digitizing of audio? Synonymous Was my first question. Mixing would be in the
program, actually wants to have only
one possible source unadulterated digitizer.
Just then you someday on the mixer. Input level, gain, Low Cut with voice recordings, all the connection options, monitoring Headphones, just
a clean track to get. Once done, come to the next time, if you only have a small jack, flat from the teeth.
Antwort von schingge:
okay, thank you
where can I find the small cheap mischpute with which I can connect my pc?
Antwort von Axel:
okay, thank you
where can I find the small cheap mischpute with which I can connect my pc? So McCrypt (or whatever this stuff is called) from the electric flea market, I would not take.
Stöber times