Frage von ptvwesel:
I am here in searchable web wild and looking for a way to my expensive DVD's, which I sell to make a little bit too knacksicherer. Copy, there's not to say (a thousand forums and catching the same ne basic discussion directly with me.) Now I've been thinking what will happen when the Autostart.ini an order requires that he either s.Das drive in the computer does not recognize or b) the DVD simply spits out again ... .. the latter would be the best option. Has anyone 'ne Programming Idea?
Antwort von Markus:

How do you expect the DVD to know whether it is the drive around a computer or a cheap DVD player with PC-DVD drive is?
Antwort von Stefan:
What happens when one writes in Autostart.ini an order that he either s.Das drive in the computer does not recognize or b) just spits out the DVD again ... Whoever has a Windows user now been activated auto start, be punished ;-)
Ok. What can happen?
b) The customers give you the disc back and you need to ensure a proper DVD or return to teach Money and offset expenses. Remedy may be, however, is a clear indication of the DVD "Does not run in the quasi ...", UnCD principle (see Heise) with renunciation of informing customers and Rumbalgen with the I-it-without-reading-Wrapped or Got -es-so-paid customers.
You s.Wenn the non-recognition on the "Showcase your" limited DVD, see b). If your copy is running amok, expect to b) damage by bad propaganda in forums and possibly criminal proceedings for redress and computer sabotage added (see rootkit / SonyBMG, copy / Star Force + Day, Kinowelt DVD "Mr. Smith ...") .
Now, if you still want to go grab the calculator out and counting the hours for the famous programmer lost profits through illegal copies ...
Good luck
The thick Stefan