Frage von cheffemicha:
Moin, everybody!
Maybe someone can tell me whether you NeroRecode with a normal AVI video file can be created and on which disk?
I'd look at it synonymous to the DvD player. He supports this format, but something I have always been overlooked. Maybe I'm just "by routine"?
But perhaps I just need another program?
Maybe somebody has `ne idea. would be nice.
Antwort von Markus:

AVI is a container format known (see synonymous
Wikipedia) and man kann z.B. unterschiedliche Codecs verwenden, um Video recordings in eine AVI-File zu speichern. - Welche Formats kann Dein DVD Players wiedergeben?
Im Zweifelsfall bleibt noch der klassische Weg: Die Erstellung einer
Antwort von cheffemicha:

Yes Hallöle,
I forgot to mention that I wanted to create from `ner DvD an AVI video file. My player supports mpeg4, according to Scripture. No idea whether and how far there are differences. But apparently well?
Is not all that easy.
Best regards
Antwort von Markus:

MPEG4 you will find some clues in the following contribution: