Frage von chrissi:
I have in my Avid Free DV a movie geschnitten I now like to further my university wants s.der. Now I do not know what data I need on my external hard drive must be drawn, so I then s.Schnittplatz Project s.der university can open.
Can I perhaps someone help?
Schönen Gruß
Antwort von Andreas Jigme:

Hey Crissier,
you need your project folder with the project data (bins and everything ... you can find under Avid / Projects) to your Avid Project knows, and the folder with Omfi files (in folders OMFI files), so Avid synonymous to the video data.
Quasi the WAS (media files) and the AS (project data).
Evt. you need to import the project data to your project again betrayed where the media data can be (for example, which volume).
Understand? Is actually quite simple and logical and should be understood to be synonymous when one is working with Avid. The basic structure of the software and the Project and data should be clear to you ... otherwise you can not in the long run grow with the program. Is synonymous but not difficult.
Good luck, Andreas.
Antwort von chrissi:

Hello Andreas,
I had something similar to me synonymous already thought I was just not quite sure whether you have enough synonymous. Thanks for the quick reply!
Schönen Gruß
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

Times as well as: Can someone tell me where you can adjust the location where you store media files his wishes?
Antwort von dietzemichi:

if you or captures importierst, can always choose the location to which the plate he should save. or the settings in media creation kannste set default where what is to be moderate (effekt clips, media files, etc.)