Frage von prem:
So before I get rid of all my frustrations of a pre-: I love my Avid!
However, my little friend currently has a few problems! Before I come to the actual problem the first thing I did before: File as uncompressed AVI file output, so I think it is in an Adobe Encore DVD menu can import.
If I were but an uncompressed AVI file will always want to create diesebe error: The file would become too large, since the maximum limit of AVI files is at 1.86 GB. Is the AVI 2 codec on a NTFS disk is not utopian to 12 (!) Terrabyte limited? And above all, how can I get the damn video in high quality export?
Please help me! I'm with my Latin s.Ende easy! Will ne Bewerbungs DVD so slow and the clock starts ticking. If I do not manage, I have to forgo my latest vid ... One month holiday with eight hours of work for the film completely pointless!
Schon mal danke in advance and greetings
Antwort von rapunzelchen:

Make just a Quicktime reference file (Fast-Export Quicktime) and import it into Encore. Then you can of Encore transcode the movies. (Settings chek!) Thus you have the best possible quality.
Or you exportierst a Quicktime reference file from Avi and encodierst those with the MPEG2 encoder of your choice (such as Sorenson Squeeze, yes it is ..) and then only in importierst Encore ...
Antwort von andreas jigme:

Dear Jan,
I only connect: quiet blood, no problem!
Export File - as a Quicktime reference file. In the settings make everything right: Digital Mastering defaults and the right tick in "use enabeled Tracks" and "use Marks.
Encore can recognize the files, but they are coded to IMMEDIATELY, m means you need BEFORE you import it into Encore Encodierungseinstellungen choose the right. The result is very good.
Personally, I encode with an external program, here I have more options and can still gegebnenfalls drüber filter basket. I personally use of the Discreet Cleaner XL, but synonymous every other professional Encodierungsprogramm is suitable. These are available on the Quicktime reference directly to the original material Avid access, you must not only export as an AVI or similar ...
When exporting as a Quicktime reference occur two files: a Wave or AIFF soundtrack and the actual Quicktime reference: and lo and behold: you can choose your Avid timeline in Quicktime player and every program that uses QuickTime can now on the Avid timeline relate. Funzt synonymous with after effect!
Good luck and all the best,
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

I only connect: quiet blood, no problem!
Export File - as a Quicktime reference file. In the settings make everything right: Digital Mastering defaults and the right tick in "use enabeled Tracks" and "use Marks.
Encore can recognize the files, but they are coded to IMMEDIATELY, m means you need BEFORE you import it into Encore Encodierungseinstellungen choose the right. The result is very good.
Good luck and all the best,
Andrew [/ quote]
Hello Andreas, exactly what I did but I get of "Adobe Encore DVD" reported that he AVI files and with mov files may not start.
This is you in your opposition to the above. I try to Quiktimereferenz from AVID into a DVD-compatible format to encode, but fail s.genau this hurdle ...
What can I do?
Lieben Gruß
Rabbit tooth