Frage von *the.jokeR*:
Ich hab nen video on which I with nem laserschwert rumfuchtel. At the beginning I am not in the picture (background only), all I aufm tripod rotated so no changes see picture. Now I want to replace the background with something else. I'd be that with adobe after effects 7.0 to make. hat jemand ne ahnung like me instead of?
Antwort von Uwe:

Depends on the background. Either through keying or rotoscoping. The latter is very labor intensive ...
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:

The background is nen room ... So do not einfabig if you want to know the ..
kannste me erklähren as of the last works?
Antwort von Wildlifer:
Depends on the background. Either through keying or rotoscoping. The latter is very labor intensive ... .... or a luma matte
Antwort von tfp:

The video divided into frames and you individually in every picture framing.
Antwort von Uwe:
The background is nen room ... So do not einfabig if you want to know the ..
kannste me erklähren as of the last works? You have one or more masks (Multimask-Roto) Creating + crop so that the person the subject. Be readjusted with every movement / change of the object, the mask. Keyframes must of course be activated .... => + Tedious time consuming ....
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:

:) Ok I do prefer the then again before nem green / blue screen ...