Frage von darg:
Hi Guys,
have now experienced a little shock when I get my Vegas for the first time after a new installation have put up. Instead of buying Vegas Movie Studio 7 Platinum, I have now after registering with Sonyauf once a Vegas Platinum 8 version of the calculator? Is quite generous, but unfortunately I can my old *. veg files no longer open. Vegas now uses *. vf *. and when the veg came the message "File type could not be opened." Is there another form of the Project file, which you can carry over?
Thank you
Axel, San Jose
Antwort von Marco:

Are you sure that you're unable to provide you and perhaps have tried an entirely different file to open?
The format of the project file and s.der has backward compatibility with version 8 is really nothing changed. This should, in principle, even the old MovieFactory projects to be open.
Antwort von darg:

Nee, sorry.
In Version 7, the hot stop *. veg and now *. vf.
Had quite forgotten that on the old machine is a Vegas 7 ran as a complete version with everything unlocked and now I just added the Movie Studio Platinum version, which unfortunately has not all features. On the one holding that the Project as AAC or TXT file can store.
Missing will be the Geschwindgkeitsregelung of the video. That is unfortunately in the slimmed-down version is not anymore. Is there a tool with which you can do offline to hire?
Axel, San Jose
Antwort von Marco:

You're lying while of course with the correct file format. Vf for Movie Studio, but this is true for all Movie Studio versions. And a project that is under a former movie-studio version was saved, it is in any case, synonymous with a higher version to open.
I've just tested again. A Movie Studio Project Program Version 6 and 7 can easily be completely synonymous with Movie Studio 8 next open and edit.
Just so that eavesdropping is not wrong.
That with you in this direction with Vegas project files does not work, is clear. Vegas has some very different internal structures, with the movie studio does not produce / reproduce leave. So although you can Movie Studio to open projects in Vegas, but not vice versa projects in Vegas Movie Studio.
But how comest thou synonymous means of Vegas Movie Studio to switch? Normally this happens rather vice versa. It begins with the simple knitted Movie Studio software, and if one is familiar with the and "ascend" wants to take the larger version, namely Vegas. The fact that such a downgrade is no longer compatible, it is but normal.
Antwort von darg:

Well, why the downgrade? I had the 7 version but unfortunately not to the registry. This is, unfortunately, in a move and lost because a rather expensive time I was unfortunately, not again. I'm trying first with the smaller Studio Movie ends meet. Is this mainly to the HD stuff. Perhaps once again coming together $ 600 and then I get a full back.
That is stupid, I have the code but unfortunately still no idea what in the online registry was drin. Only if both agree, you can change what :-(
Now it is clear to me why all this is no more. I have to live with.
Ax, San Jose
Antwort von Marco:
"This is unfortunately in a parade lost" The can not get lost, because it's at Sony Creative Software online and can be deposited at any time of there and retrieved for re-activation can be used. If someone is registered customer, which it remains synonymous. Even after a move. ;-)
Antwort von darg:

Because so begins my problem. I do not know to what address I had reported. Here in the USA or one of my two German addresses. But if you can find out about Sony Online, I would be grateful for a tip. Is there a Page?
Addendum: it is to be registered to apply the software in the call or submit filled form must be times when extra register? I never specified a password somewhere.
Antwort von Marco:

On under the link "My Account" and then "My Software".
"it is to be registered to apply the software in the call or submit filled form must be times when extra register" In this case you have to on the website will only create a new account and that the address of the first contact, ie the first online registration software to use (probably the ones you mentioned above in the form used did).
If this problems, there is a support synonymous for registrations:
https: / / / registration / Register.asp