Frage von Thomas F.:Hello.
I want to buy cheaper camcorder off. I would like to recordings for easy TV clips make ...
It gave me gesag should min. 9 pixels. I did get was 9 garnicht pixel means.
I know that with digital cameras pixel values indicate.
What should I look out that for TV (Broadcast handling) will be sufficient receptive?
Which brand is synonymous and used market is interesting for me, if there are a few left.
danke lg. Thomas
Antwort von scream:
There is no preference regarding the
How much do / can you for a camcorder for company?
Antwort von Thomas F:
So of 600 to 900 ¬ for the new ...
But can be used synonymous, because I've only once wants So .. s.300 used up ...
And I think about what would be better DV or hard drive, because of video editing.
I know I'm not so good, but hard drive could be used in high resolution or record?
thank lg.Thomas
Antwort von Jan:
This goes with it on the nerves, advertising in our country has all the manipulating customers.
No, not the pixels with the most wins the test image, but often in the middle range (for video in SD area). It plays no role whether synonymous large posters will be printed.
Let each of GNP and the DigiCam Videocamtechnik.
Still Image:
Fuji Finepix F 30-6 million pixels (sensor 1 / 1, 7 "CCD)
Samsung NV 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. million pixels (sensor 1 / 1, 8 "CCD)
Casio Exilim Z 1050-10 million pixels (sensor 1 / 1, 75 "CCD)
The Fuji wins very clear and clearly synonymous with a 30x45 poster, because it just fit Propertionen - pixel-to-noise ratio (vernüntig many pixels on a large surface, the companies can such a small lens eh not constitute 10-12 mio that remains the good reflex lenses denied - everything is just Bauernfängerei.
What a great use Resolutionjemanden what if the image noise over the Optics and upheld the Resolutioneh can not display? Look at just one of each Camera Picture at ISO 400, when you do not have to be professional to recognize the difference.
Video camera:
SonyDSR PD 170 - 3x 1 / 3 "CCD with 450,000 pixels per
Panasonic GS 500 - 3x 1 / 4, 7 "CCD with pixels per 1 mio
The Sonyschlägt the Pana in his sleep, I know what I'm talking about, I have long periods of time with the two models filmed, each of PD 170 is demanding a term DV filmmakers.
This gottverdammte Pixelwahn, more, more, more, cheaper, cheaper, etc.!
Antwort von scream:
So of 600 to 900 ¬ for the new ... This can make something begin.
But can be used synonymous, because I've only once wants So .. s.300 used up ... Well, a cat in a bag ..
And I think about what would be better DV or hard drive, because of video editing. Would be better or is miniDV.
Footage on the hard discs can be recorded is a bad edit.
hard drive could be used in high resolution or record? Not really.
So you like the picture quality is very important (so did the Resolutionerwähnt). Look at times the Panasonic NV-GS320 (DV) and the Canon HV20 (HDV) closely.
Antwort von Thomas F:
I thank you very much for your tips ... Lg Thomas
Antwort von Jan:
Sorry is not meant bös a Beginners always recognizes s.den huge pixel exposures, especially in the photo area for the small Digiknipsen. We tell lots of people, unfortunately far too much crap, some of its poor camera extremely commendable synonymous often have no experience with other models (such as the Casio Test Reports - a user 5 stars, the next 1 star).
We should for you first clarify whether an SD (standard definition) format 576x720 lines, such as the GS 320 or a HD format AVCHD & HDV 1440x1080 lines (HV 20) is interesting.
What does your calculator, where the pictures should be shown (PAL tube or LCD TV)?
What do you want then edit with the right effects (Time Lapse & slow motion), music and transition effects? Then the best choice MiniDV, HDV synonymous (HV 20) with sufficient processing power.
If you like any trim function ranges, then goes synonymous hard drive, a SW is present at each HDD Camera settled.
I think at 576i PAL desire one should Panasonic GS 500, with more automatic and use a smaller budget GS 280 & 320 and then SonyHC 96.
At 1440x1080 - Canon HV 20
When hatred cassettes, 576i and PAL HDD preference Panasonic SDR H 250, JVC MG 505 / 575 or SonySR 190 & 290th