Frage von macflav:
'm currently in the process of family films Digitizer and would like to take this burn to DVD. My question: which is best format for this? (would like as little as possible of the film s.Qualität lose). Someone has said the format. T was the best for this (it would have the problem where can I find a Convert-to program for Mac synonymous. Ts included). Does it work? Or has anyone of you with another, better suggestion?
Antwort von Dr.SuA:

The best format in the consumer realm heritage is still the DV tape. This must be digitized (capturing a Mac, PC) via FireWire / IEE1394 and can then be rendered as an MPEG2 (for DVD Conventional compatible).
The output for use MPEG2:
Picture of 8000KB / S variable (approximately 2 hours per DVD)
Sound 386 KB / S Layer3,
720x576 PAL
Fields / interlaced
Antwort von Markus73:
The best format in the consumer realm heritage is still the DV tape. This must be digitized [...] No, this is already digital ....
But I think that was not the issue, as the starting material already exists.
Honestly, I am sooo not entirely clear what exactly is required here is: If a video DVD to be produced, then the question arises not because formatmäßig anyway everything is set, only s.der data can still twist and turn is heavily used by the encoder and thus ultimately of the software-dependent.
Macflav, maybe write you again more accurately, whether you have a video DVD for playback on DVD player or just want "some" data DVD for archiving of the material.
Antwort von Macflav:

I'm trying ledlich the data onto a DVD for archiving to bring. The material should be untrimmed without Qualtätseinbussen come on a DVD.
Antwort von Dr.SuA:

Because the material is already digital front, so on your calculator?
Antwort von Macflav:

Yes, the material I already have it (format. Dv).
Antwort von Dr.SuA:

Then you have almost the best format, as DV for the human eye is almost not visible Compression aufweist. MPEG2 is much worse, but saves space. With a good renderer like LigosMPEG2 or Cinema Craft is obviously something different regarding the compression and quality are concerned.
Also DivX ratDVD or a solution for small data archives (strong compression with good quality).
Otherwise, really the Computer hardware take (3.6 MB / sec) and burn to DVD (but you can not on the DVD player).
Possibly. Movie file editing program in the split, but then again as DV ausrendern (without loss of quality).
PS: The very best format is an uncompressed *. avi movie file. The eats Resolutionvon but at a 720x576 pixels and 25 frames / S with 24-bit color depth equal to 29 MB per second (without sound) that is approximately 1800 MB / minute!
Antwort von Macflav:

Super Dr.SuA I thank you for the detailed description.
Yes this is with the format. Avi without compression, I have found. 8 minutes to the film consume 25 GB :-).
So I will ask the DV format for archiving purposes.
Otherwise, really the Computer hardware take (3.6 MB / sec) and burn to DVD (but you can not on the DVD player). Since the DV format is not suitable to play on DVD Palyer which format is then applied to all or most DVD players?
Thanks for the info.
Gruss Macflav
Antwort von Markus73:
Since the DV format is not suitable to play on DVD Palyer which format is then applied to all or most DVD players? Video-DVDs use an MPEG-specific variant with standardized parameters. Normally you say your software, it will burn a DVD, the rest from the car then runs.
Antwort von Macflav:

Ok, I helped all I have.
Greetings from Switzerland schneinde