Frage von joerg:
the Bilderbogen "Rhine bridges in Cologne" will start with Episode 1, "the Rodenkirchen bridge".
To the left of the movie:
Youtube, SevenloadMySpace SD, 4:3, Color, 02:59 min
For camcorder The film was shot with a camcorder Mustek DV 130 S, a writer of this Image camcorder is on the homepage
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

Is the "High Key" or "Over Exposed"?
Antwort von Alikali:
so I even more in the future films may rotate, and thus can be cut even more. Why?
Antwort von Axel:

Dear Joerg.
Please explain to me what you s.dieser bridge found so interesting. This whole Cologne bridges are easily confused, you drive on the wrong, and schwupps! one is in the wrong neighborhood. Therefore, they are well labeled. No reason, in my opinion, the next, relatively similar Rheinbrücke to be "film". What
excites you about it? Am I so jaded, or is this dreary gray in gray, without actually narrative nutrient?
SD, 4:3, Color, 02:59 min Nope.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

Amazing. Somehow mistaken. The waiver of any Gestaltungsambition clearly puts the movies in the direction of conceptual art. Reminiscent s.Autorenfotografie from the USA.
And one wonders: Was it intentional or is this yet?
Antwort von DWUA:

Of course, "wanted", with a 29 Euro-camera.
What else?
The advance is an excerpt from a contribution of the most important film critic
from the year 2058:
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Hour of the "chamber film" "Mother Earth" sounds like heavy tires on bridge Unusual would have a film clip
not too much:
The clip "Kölner Brücken 1"
brought the audience to vibrate. In major and minor brought a mysterious sound carpet film
to the
sound film.
Superimpose tones to combine to form a spherical swing.
Even the then-familiar "truck" sounds on the bridge, unlike other
Both merge into "Joerges' work, the Camera's free rein
left. Inspired of the failed equipment, he
his film project "Bilderbogen" the clip "Rodenkirchen Bridge"
the audience an intellectual and sensual experience of specific
Art brought.
Already in his time, the dramatic need for active
Creative artists, as well as the worldwide acceptance of a contemplative
Connoisseurs and gourmets shaft, such as our "tubeyou" (still
youtube) told a platform is created, how they in the history of mankind had never existed previously.
Intensive remembered the audience is certainly the
atonal singing voice within the clips
Joerg had previously made public - true masterpieces.
.................................................. .........................................
As far as the fiction.
The reality is this:
This clip is - like many others - into the archive collections
which received the "Joerg cult" tribute.
@ Joerg
We are not fans - we will erst
Depends but most of you.
This time with more adoption of early ...
Antwort von darg:

If I get this gray in gray from Germany see, I ask myself every time, why should I come from the sunny California back to Germany. Jörg, thanks for the decision aid.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Present
When you return with the
last few sunny shots
Golden Gate Bridge before and after the final "Earthquake"
you will here not to be able to save more.
Antwort von Alikali:

Mmmmmkay ..... you know all that this movie
is complete nonsense and get fun ....
on your way ...
then I understand das ..
Antwort von darg:
@ Present
When you return with the last few sunny shots
Golden Gate Bridge before and after the final "Earthquake"
you will here not to be able to save more.
;) On the big Bumm wait in the Valley, we all but so far only 4.6 a few weeks ago. I hope I have s.dem day of my equipment and while a few gallons of water for the survival and then there's you in on the images D :-)
Antwort von Alikali:

presented, I like your signature ...
Antwort von KrischanDO:

People, look at me clarify!
There is a man named Joerg, who makes video movies, apparently for fun s.der pleasure, which is apparently refuse any creative ambition. These movies, technically imperfect, idiosyncratic content and highly comical, pushes Jörg on various platforms and in relevant forums has pointed out.
Then a horde of amateur and Profifilmern some serious gloating about her, sometimes synonymous lenient sympathetic as a 2-year foreign child in the sand s.Sandkasten cake praises.
Jörg and reads the whole tirades in with peace of mind, and announces the next strip at the same obstinate cranky as all previously.
I know a lot of people who their socially unconcerned geächten hobbies go, but here, I wonder if that was not a nice Joke of film students.
Until the day, Christian
Antwort von joerg:

@ Darge,
You have me the idea for my next film project brought scenic. The idea, I will not post, otherwise I have someone steals the idea.
We write the year 2058, a professor at some school directors s.einer reminds itself s.einen Filmmakers, a film crew in 2009 as an actor in Oberhausen, has brought out big. This film maker has the film crew a huge reputation and wealth brought, precisely because the film makers have worked as an actor and film of this festival to festival in the aftermath has cleared Prices. Had the film crew this film maker is not obliged as an actor, the film would certainly have disappeared in the drawer.
@ All,
and who is this Saturday (11.10.2008 s.19: 00 clock) in Kassel, should look at the Kulturfabrik Salzmann look.
And of course, synonymous nor s.25.10.2008 between 12 and 18 clock in Wadern-bard Bach (Saar).
Antwort von Alikali:
a film crew in 2009 as an actor in Oberhausen, has brought out big. Super idea.
Meld dich doch mal at me, we will bring you much more powerful.
Then you will be famous and rich: For the first year I think about 75,000 fixed salary, you have to watch times.
Pros commission for the entire film.
Simple Mail s.alikali [Ätt]
Ich freu mich.
Gruss Ali
Antwort von camworks:
People, look at me clarify!
I know a lot of people who their socially unconcerned geächten hobbies go, but here, I wonder if that was not a nice Joke of film students. jörg is not fake, I know him personally.
look here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Antwort von Alikali:

camworks, many thanks for the insightful information.
@ joerg: Thanks for your mail. As for the women in our s.geht:
We work with a lot of Eastern European underage interns.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

Slowly, I see clearer.
Joerg, because what you do, has more to do with art than much of what Wichtigtuer Studentlein film, with her black glasses meaningful know-pregnant-looking, so separate.
For art belongs to me: tenacity, independence of design trends, themes of obsession, that carefree detention s.eigener aesthetics, working without a primary selling intentions.
Mach next!
Antwort von darg:

Because of artistic ability!
Antwort von KrischanDO:
Because of artistic ability! Which brings us to the question whether art is always the outstanding mastery of a craft-making requires. Joseph Beuys is, I think, a fine example. Maintains one of his late, well-known works, comes mostly rejection and negation of the art / artist status. Shows you have the earlier, more decorative graphics and paintings, but he goes through as an artist.
Perhaps this should be (typically German?) Fragerei what art is and what is not simply a gift.
Now I have a cargo strap watches photograph. No art, but handicrafts. But if it's good to be true, it is somehow an art ... ;-)
Antwort von Alikali:
Which brings us to the question whether art is always the outstanding mastery of a craft-making requires. But not yet. Bloss not. Other
it is not of "want", otherwise it would "Wolst".
How wonderful to see you here, it is then synonymous Art
if one with the biggest idiocy away with murder.
As always, really always! - A Vollpfosten found that those with
minimal demands in terms of aesthetics, design and desire
Design capacity, synonymous like this and always unasked -
with unctuous, although without content strunzdummen
memorized or read off phrases explained.
Because we should really be grateful as we were shown,
how to empty and with random drauflosgefilmten
Nonsense pictures still pseudo-intellectual
Lightweights can impress ...
Antwort von darg:

[quote = "Alikali"]
Because we should really be grateful as we were shown,
how to empty and with random drauflosgefilmten
Nonsense pictures still pseudo-intellectual
Lightweights can impress ... Ouch, you just about 60 years of the German / global TV history described. We are but lambs to the slaughter again bank .......
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

Criticism is appropriate, at the expense of others rather amusing character flaw! I fall in recent times increasingly statements, which already go in the direction of malignancy and evidence of bad style. Not just here ...
I am often harsh in dealing with others but we should always bear in mind how subjective feelings are. I think personal train or plane spotting, for example, as corrosive as athlete's foot - the other is to find fulfillment and love.
Apart from this, some one on thick trousers and know everything better, but they have only themselves grottiges material s.Start. Hopefully now feels someone mentioned ...
@ Joerg, you're cool! You're likeable and stubborn, which is important in today's world. Do not get in! The people are funny about you just try to make their own problems to play, they probably do not even recognize themselves property.
Antwort von domain:

Something is missing in bridge Jörgs film, namely, good lighting and a dramatic idea for example, after the motto: What do today or herself of the bridge?
At the first bridge would have perhaps a Spuckepatzen enough, right in the lens would be landed. At the last bridge but it would have been at least one suicide (dummy), so some increase is evident, with a special gimmick would be that easy after the fact, nothing was to find cinematic usable.
Text searching of the actor: "... until someone collapses of the bridge and then wills None have been, dz Dz. .."
Antwort von Alikali:
Criticism is appropriate, at the expense of others to amuse rather weak character Mace, if you do not realize that the thread creator just trying to muck all ... guck dir doch mal the documentary, which has links to camworks.
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

Have not found the documentation, which makes me feel that I would verarscht.
Anyway, @ JOERG: So scheisse ich deine Bridges / landscape / urban movies do (sorry), so I like your office movies. Would be glad if you do more time because reinsteckst.
Antwort von camworks:
Criticism is appropriate, at the expense of others to amuse rather weak character Mace, if you do not realize that the thread creator just trying to muck all ... guck dir doch mal the documentary, which has links to camworks. no alikali,
jörg verarscht anyone. thinks the deadly. obviously you have not understood the document.
@ smooth-appeal:
MAY jörg quite nice, but he has my knowledge of insults and verbal threats (in forums) several times already acquainted with the court must make. this negative part of his personality is, unfortunately, in the document with no mention why they were synonymous, I have criticized (even though it is otherwise very top).
Antwort von Alikali:
jörg verarscht anyone. thinks the deadly. obviously you have not understood the document. * ooops *
Under this aspect is yes, then, rather
worse. But thanks for the hint.
Antwort von joerg:

Well, I am delighted that once again your a "film office" of my calls. Because I must disappoint you, unfortunately, it is definitely not an movie anymore.
I would be relating to "film office" rumkricken, if one of you a movie Rotate application wants, then YES. And please, synonymous with plenty of occupation with Mrs. overhang, both before the camera crew as synonymous.
And who dieseen Saturday (11/10/2008) in Kassel, in the Kulturfabrik Salzmann run several movies, among other synonymous Even my longest movie. Lot is s.Samstag s.19: 00 clock.