Frage von aramoana:
Welcome to the forum
I'm new here so highly praised in the forum and hope to here but competent help for one or another problem. I film in HDV recently with the FX 1 and have now Adobe After Effects CS 4 will, unfortunately, I know this is not very good and would like to ask, as I have a simple crossfade between two layers hinbekommen - wanted in a video clip Still image with a text can be displayed. How can I explain the s.einfachsten ????? I hope you are not angry that my first posting is a bit simplistic, but my friend wanted a video with a surprise and therefore just asked here. We found much of the forum belongs here and hope for your help.
Thank you very much
Antwort von LightTrancefer:

Quite simply
importierst thou thy thy Video and Still Image into the bar below.
Then you select the Still Image (must be above the video) from above and go to Effects> Aperture> Aperture linear
Then you are in the timeline, the markers s.die point where it appears to be - go to your completion Effect and choose from - click on the small stopwatch - choose from 100%.
Then you set the marker is a second or two and next to choose from 0% completion.
Render - done
if you're with after effects and want to employ more English can: