Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Blu-ray or HD DVD? DEA! Of rudi - 8 Dec 2006 12:38:00 Before the format war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD right in the corridors comes with China faces an interesting alternative. Already a few days ago were loud sounds from Beijing that the royalties for DVD-Western techniques are simply too high. There is since 2003 a state-owned format specification named DEA (Enhanced Versatile Disc,
we reported). However, it was fairly quiet so far to this format. But now have China Electronics Manufacturer promulgated by 2008 to fully convert the DEA and s.dann no DVD player to produce. Thus, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD on the market no real chance synonymous and the clamp end of the DVD in China would be in sight. Whether it is the DEA then synonymous in this country will, however, is still open ...
Antwort von Heinz7:

Well finally it is completely different than the electronics and Hollywood bosses want. Perhaps by then a rival synonymous times a bit closer to the customers minds. Wishes of the Chinese development every success.
I'm already excited the world in 10 years. The West with his problem (chen) is probably as many sleepy.
Greetings Heinz
Antwort von pflip:

Antwort von Eva Maier:

If I have read reichtig then it is of the VP6 codec On2 we must first see where it is playable.
/ Eve
Antwort von Frank B.:

Irgendwie will the local economy and the associated politicians something else, on what the market will prevent this country since.
Not to be holding any import duties, or our Urheberrchtsgesetze then prohibit such devices. You can see the main customers here neatly next rip off.
Antwort von r.p. television:

Mich nervt so synonymous that it lasts forever, that here in Europe, eventually an HD disc standard is established. Not to mention of the debacle between HD-DVD and Blue-Ray have to decide.
But what the Chinese to throw into the market is, first, not the quality of a brand company such as Sony. Moreover, the products are patented and the design on both zusammengeklaut. Only they do not like the European / Japanese products.
The best example are the cars. In China domestic market, there are cars from the exterior, a 1 to 1 copy of some Mercedes-Audi, VW or BMW's models. Only the hood we can not undo the material and appearance / gap dimensions are not vergleichnar.
And at least if one goes so s.die wall, is one of the difference.
So I think it is better to wait, which of our format prevails. The first media s.Markt are already at acceptable prices.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Chinese "copper" or not, the idea with the DEA is not new, but it emerged that the Chinese can not produce DVD's and thus were able to share your movies on CD_s presses wanted - thus is synonymous to quality.
On the other you should see what this country times as DivX and MP3 is consumed it is a great business idea.
/ Eve
Antwort von torti3005:

I strongly hope that finally the chienesen mittee of the backfires, since we all abschauen and slightly deteriorate.
are favorable to chienesen only because they exploit the workers.
Unfortunately, we will in the next few years of the chienesen with cheap scheiss of counterfeit merchandise and beworfen defeated.
What should my child in 15 years make? synonymous 7 days 12-14 std. in the work week.
Incidentally, all the products you already have geergert are 90% of the region chiena
gruss sepp
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Hi guest
The customer makes the market and the market makes the price.
It is therefore not the bad Chinese, but the customers to encourage the Chinese to produce goods.
(Especially the network card!)
Otherwise, Nero has an HD-DVD and the plugin could even lead to the firing range DIY HD-DVD will be given preference.
/ Eva Maier
Antwort von Axel:
Perhaps by then a rival synonymous times a bit closer to the customers minds. You can see the main customers here neatly next rip off. But what the Chinese to throw into the market is, first, not the quality standard Unfortunately, we will in the next few years of the chienesen with cheap scheiss of counterfeit merchandise and beworfen defeated. China falsifies everything that can only produce without regard to patents What is this fake? Dear regulars when their brand quality from Germany want, then pays them synonymous. Whether our successor generation is still working here, know None. Also not sure if it which helps a totally overpriced BluRay HD player to buy, so that industry profits rise. It forces us to think global, so forth with the players in China. The cars with the inferior true now no longer synonymous. The quality checks provide BMW and Porsche, a market of half a billion customers not to miss. Zoom Zoom.
Antwort von Frank B.:

Dear regulars when their brand quality from Germany want, then pays them synonymous. Previously, I had two times the cameras of Grundig. Although it was already time to start my hobby into Video (1991) Identical to those of Panasonic. But there were still few German companies have sold the cameras. Where are today?
In the early days, when the first cars and electronic equipment from the Far East came to us, the Japanese were synonymous as producers of inferior goods. This should be duly modified. The Chinese will create faster, unfortunately. I too have the fear that in a few decades here, not much is produced.
Antwort von Thomas////:

From me you can in China zusammenfutscheln what they want ... but I do not buy this shit! ... Not interested in piracy and clean the people are exploited ... and then if still so many Western countries all scheiss kaufen then I ask what brings the whole way and forth with climate change and how to see it with our Western countries in .... a couple of German technology is stolen, improved and cheap manufactured since so kene guidelines and has since become bigger always behind me and therefore always dependent synonymous (with us already rising milk prices because the Chinese need a lot of s. of milk have ... not to mention oil) and then China could be synonymous to start a war because they want to get bigger and bigger and people are just stupid ... a nuclear war and everything is gone !!!!!