Frage von =?Windows-1252?Q?Roland_Mösl:
Would like a weekly news show bringing.
But I am looking for video software with Bluebox possibility
Roland Mösl tax per person mobile computing Auto and Traffic Building and Housing
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:

Roland Mösl wrote:
> If a weekly news show bringing.
> But do I search for video software with Bluebox possibility
Pinnacle Liquid
Pinnacle Studio
can, synonymous with Greenbox
><(((°> ><(((*<><(((°> ><(((*<
If the environment is a bank, it would have saved it long ago
Antwort von Volker Schauff:

Bernd Nomi wrote:
>> But do I search for video software with Bluebox possibility
> Pinnacle Liquid
> Pinnacle Studio
The latter is certainly not worth his money, but that makes it far
not freeware ;-)
The possibility of generalized ansich means Chroma Keying and is used in the
Linux-world example of Cinelerra offered (I have not yet
tried, but something Google will help). The same goes for movies
(also Linux). Emergency Live CD or a Linux in a Virtual
Machine and is good.
On Windows it with open source or free software synonymous
knäpplich from something, but at least you get some of programs
at least 30 days trial version (Sony Vegas Movie Studio is like in the
Demo almost completely full and water market you do not synonymous, and
the Chroma Keyer is all about doubt and is very clean
- Provided, of course, the Blue or Green Screen is clean
lit, but it needs to be any software)
Gruß ... Volker Schauff (thunderbird.elite @, ICQ 22823502) - About Saber Rider and other 80s series - Forum for Spät70er - early-90s TV nostalgists - For fantasy / medieval times and all sorts of creative